小栗忠順の従者  ●   佐藤藤七  ー世界一周をした権田村の名主ー
A follower of Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri  ● Toshichi Sato, A master of Gonda Village who traveled around the world

権田村の名主 佐藤藤七
Toshichi Sato
Master of Gonda Village who traveled around the world

佐藤藤七 (写真は、1860(万延元)年4月13日ワシントンで撮影)
Toshichi Sato (Photo taken in Washington, D.C. on June 2, 1860 or April 13 of Man'en 1 by Japanese calender)




According to the record of Somo Kato of Hida, who accompanied Sato on that day, "Fourteen attendants and three staff members of the Iseya group (a grocery supplier for the Shogunate) were strolling in the city with four American officers, when they happened to see a photo studio and took three photographs. The three people photographed were Toshichi Sato, Somo Kato, and Kisaburo Yamamoto, a servant of Heisuke Okada, a merchant who deliver goods to the Foreign Affairs Depeartment of the Shogunate.

On Februay 13, 1860 (or January 22 of Ansei 7 which became Man'en 1 after March), Toshichi Sato, the master of Gonda Village, accompanied Tadamasa Oguri, who left Japan on a mission to the U.S., as his attendant, and returned to Japan on November 9, 1860 (or September 27 of Man'en 1) after circumnavigating the globe. Based on his experiences, Sato wrote “Tokai Nikki (Diary of Crossing the Pacific Ocean)” and "“Shoyo-todome (Notes on Various Matters),” both of which remain today.

Toshichi Sato was born in Motoyurugido, Fujioka City, Gunma Prefecture. He was recognized by Tadataka Oguri, father of Tadamasa Oguri, and became a son-in-law of the Sato family, a village master in Gonda at the time.

パナマ鉄道の汽車 この汽車でパナマから大西洋側のアスペンウオールへ出た。機関車の左右に日の丸と星条旗を掲げて歓迎をしている。(佐藤藤七「渡海日記」より・『小栗忠順従者の記録』)
Panama Railroad Train: The delegation took this train from Panama City to Aspenwool on the Atlantic side. The Japanese flag and the Stars and Stripes were displayed on the right and left sides of the locomotive to welcome the passengers. (The drawing from “Tokai Nikki (Diary of Crossing the Pacific Ocean)” by Toshichi Sato) (Refer to "Records of a Follower of Tadamasa Oguri, Japanese Envoy to the United States")

藤七の地球一周の記録・通称 『渡海日記』
Records of Toshichi Sato's circumnavigation of the globe, also known as the "Tokai Nikki (Diary of Crossing the Pacific Ocean)”





Toshichi Sato was 54 years old when he accompanied the envoys to the U.S.

The diary begins on February 9, 1860 (or January 18 of Ansei 7 by Japanese calender) , when Sato left Edo (Tokyo) and boarded the USS Powhatan off Haneda. The diary goes on to record the following events: crossing the Pacific Ocean, calling at Hawaii and San Francisco and arriving at Panama on the Powhatan, heading north to the Caribbean on the USS Roanoke, landing in Washington, Philadelphia, New York, crossing the Atlantic and Indian Oceans on the USS Niagara, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and returning to Edo on November 9, 1860 (or September 27 of Man'en 1 which was noted as "November 28" in the diary).

In some places, there are pictures drawn in black ink with a very fine brush. The drawings are detailed, and include the expressions of King Kamehameha and his wife in Hawaii, the train they took in Panama, and the flora and fauna with extreme accuracy. 

There are no personal comments or criticisms by Sato, and the text is entirely objective, allowing the reader to get an overview of the course and the trip. For this reason, it lacks some interest as a piece of writing.

This diary seems to have been compiled by Sato in order to give people a general idea of the course and the conditions of the foreign country when he gave them stories of his trip after returning to Japan. The diary is now in a private collection. Another exact copy of the diary is in the collection of Tozenji Temple.

Toshichi's Memo Pad for Round-the-World Trip "Shoyo-todome (Notes on Various Matters)" (Main contents)





1. Record of preparations for going to the United States: As a preliminary study for his trip to the U.S., Kozukenosuke Oguri went to Yokohama in the autumn of the previous year, on October 29, 1859 (or October 4 of Ansei 6), and heard from John Mercer Brooke, an American captain, about the course, itinerary, and what to bring. As one of his attendants, Toshichi Sato accompanied Oguri and wrote down each question and answer between Kozukenosuke and Brooke, which led to the writing of this notebook, "Shoyo-todome." Captain Brooke later assisted in guiding the voyage across the Pacific Ocean aboard the Kanrin Maru with ten of his men. Without Brooke and his interpreter John Manjiro, the Kanrin Maru would not have survived the great storm and reached San Francisco.

2. A copy of “Merikenshi (Writing about the U.S.A.)”: Sato attempted to learn about the concept of the U.S. by copying the Chinese geography book "Merikenshi." All the text is in Chinese. It shows that deaf people were already using sign language to communicate in the U.S. at that time, and that there was a plan to build a canal in Panama.

3. English Vocabulary Notebook: This is probably a record of the English study that started on board the Powhatan, since the diary says, "On February 4, I started English study with an American teacher." It is noteworthy as an English vocabulary book with furigana by a farmer who learned English at the time.

4. Memos while in the U.S.: This is a record of notes taken during his stay in the United States. The value of a silver dollar coin, what he saw and heard in Washington, the process of choosing the route to Japan by way of the Atlantic Ocean despite that the deletation wanted to go through the Pacific Ocean, newspaper reports from Java on "recent events in Japan" and "articles on the Second Opium War."

5. Items he brought with him to the U.S.: List of items Toshichi brought with him to the U.S.


上毛新聞社発行 2000円+税=2100円

"Records of a Follower of Tadamasa Oguri, Japanese Envoy to the United States"
Sato Toshichi's Round-the-World Journey
Edited by Taiken Murakami, Published by Jomo Shinbunsha, Price 2,100 yen (2,000 yen + tax)


第一部 『渡海日記』
第二部 『諸用留』・・・「渡米に関する雑記帳」という意味。内容を解読し、解説をつけた。
第三部 『小栗忠順のアメリカ』・・・で小栗にとって、アメリカ見聞が、帰国後の活躍の源となっていることを論述した。


◆Taiken Murakami, the chief priest of the Tozenji Temple, compiled the two books, “Tokai Nikki (Diary of Crossing the Pacific Ocean)” and “Shoyo-todome (Notes on Various Matters)” into a single volume to be read in print and published.

Part 1: “Tokai Nikki (Diary of Crossing the Pacific Ocean)”
Part 2: “Shoyo-todome (Notes on Various Matters)” - It was "a notebook on the travel to the United States." Taiken Murakami desphered the contents and added explanation.
Part 3: "Tadamasa Oguri's America" - Taiken Murakami states how Oguri's experiences in America became the source of his activities after returning to Japan.

We have received a compliment from a reader that the cover is nice.
咸臨丸を教科書からはずす会 の会員資格があります。


Reading this page, you are eligible for membership of
the Association for Removing the Kanrin Maru from School Textbooks.
Member's responsibility: Advocate removing the picture of the Kanrin Maru, which is falsely used to explain the Japanese mission to the U.S., from high schools’ history textbooks and supplementary readers, and putting the photo of the mission's visit to the Washington Naval Shipyard in its place.

Member's privilege: You can reveal your knowledge such as "Kaishu Katsu was not an envoy to the U.S.," "Kaishu Katsu returned from San Francisco," "The mission to the U.S. did not board the Kanrin Maru," "The construction of the Yokosuka shipyard was conceived from Kozukenosuke Oguri's visit to the Washington Naval Shipyard," etc.

Fee: Free


関連ページ  Related Pages 






Bridge of Hope (English) … 小栗上野介の業績を紹介するJEWL発行の書籍















  Journey Around the World: They were the first Japanese to go around the world with a purpose.
 Itinerary of the Japanese Mission to the United States: The Itinerary of the first Japanese to go around the world
 Visiting the course of the mission to the U.S. (Philadelphiai): Kozukenosuke Oguri insisted on an experiment to analyze U.S. and Japanese gold coins by full volume analysis.

 Visiting the course of the mission to the U.S. (Washington DC): The main gate of the naval shipyard still existed.
 Visiting the course of the mission to the U.S. (New York): They bypassed the Broadway to continue the parade on the way to the hotel.
 Leaflet in Japanese and English, "Three ships that carried the mission to the U.S. and around the world": We have made the leaflet to advocate removing the Kanrin Maru from school textbooks.
 Bridge of Hope (English) ... JEWL (Japanese Executive Women's League) in Los Angeles praises the achievements of Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri in the book they have published.
 Tadamasa Oguri's Currency Negotiations: The currency experiments that made Oguri say "No" in Philadelphia
 Toshichi Sato, a village master who traveled around the world: Gonda village master traveled around the world as a follower of Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri
 Sadayu Tamamushi: The world that a Sendai clan samurai saw was fresh.
 Oguri's Followers on the Mission to America: Nine Followers of Tadamasa Oguri
 Miyoshi Gonzo, a follower of Tadamasa Oguri in the mission to the U.S.: He was from Shimane prefecture.
 Achievements of the Japanese mission to the U.S.: Oguri brought back a screw nail.
 Three ships for the Japanese mission to the U.S.: The USS Powhatan brought the mission to the U.S. and the Kanrin Maru was not used for the mission.

<Regarding the Kanrin Maru>
■There have been false theories recently that "Settsunokami Yoshitake Kimura was a deputy envoy" and that "the ship on which the deputy envoy boarded was the Kanrin Maru." Where are the roots of them?
 The Kanrin Maru myth created by Shushin textbooks: The "story" of the Kanrin Maru was taught in the national textbook "Shushin" from 1918 to 1945, and it still confuses Japanese people.
 Captain Brooke: The Kanrin Maru did not sink thanks to Brooke and John Manjiro.
 Japanese people with the "Kanrin Maru disease":
 A syndrome that they feel uncomfortable unless they mention the Kanrin Maru and Kaishu Katsu in every occasion
 The Japanese envoys to the U.S. decided to use the Hinomaru as the national flag: They chose the Hinomaru as the national flag of Japan, which was originally a ship's seal
 Tommy Polka: Music of Onojiro Tateishi, a boy interpreter who became very popular in the U.S.
 Mission to the U.S. and American Dairy Farming: The first Japanese to eat ice cream
 President's medals: Gold, silver, and bronze medals were presented to the envoys and all the followers.

 Izu Shimoda, the town of the USS Powhatan



遣米使節 世界一周の旅

◇本・遣米使節 「小栗忠順従者の記録」
  List of the Japanese Envoys to the United States in 1860 (Link)
 Sozaburo Okanoya (Follower of Jugoro Tsukahara of Tatebayashi Domain) 

 “Kobeiki (Report of visiting the U.S.)” by Tetsuta Kimura, a follower of Tadamasa Oguri

◇ Book: "Records of a Follower of Tadamasa Oguri, Japanese Envoy to the United States"