遣米使節関連(東善寺HP)  ●●    「木村摂津守喜毅は副使」「副使の乗った船が咸臨丸」説は誤り
Related to the Japanese envoys to the U.S. (Tozenji Temple)  ●● The theories that "Settsunokami Yoshitake Kimura was a vice-envoy" and "the ship on which the vice envoy boarded was the Kanrin Maru" are incorrect.

The theories that "Settsunokami Yoshitake Kimura (the Warship Magistrate in charge of the Kanrin Maru) was a vice envoy" and "The ship which the vice-envoy boarded was the Kanrin Maru" are both false.


* I would like to state two things at the outset. Settsunokami Yoshitake Kimura was a samurai worthy of respect in terms of character, behavior, and personality. Also, it was thanks to Captain Brooke, John Manjiro, and Settsunokami Kimura who took great pains to bring them on board that the Kamrin Maru did not sink in the North Pacific Ocean. The story of these three men on the Kanrin Maru is a refreshing one.

I publish the following because I believe that future generations "bending historical facts to discuss things" could lead to historical errors in the future.


 In recent years, several books, websites, and blogs have come up with the theories that "Yoshitake Kimura was a vice envoy" and "the official envoy got on board the Powhatan, and the ship on which the vice-envoy boarded was the Kanrin Maru." These are thought to be some examples of the Hanrin Maru diseases.

◆例えば    For example,


The following books were written by a person who is a descendant of the Kamrin Maru crew.
- "Warship Magistrate Settsunokami Kimura"by Ryozo Doi (Chuko Shinsho 1994, Heisei 6)
-  "Kanrin Maru Umi wo Wataru (Kanrin Maru Crossing the Pacific Ocean)" by Ryozo Doi (Miraisha 1992 Heisei 2) (Chuko Bunko 1998): This book seems to be the root of the theories that "Yoshitake Kimura was a vice envoy" and "the ship on which the vice envoy boarded was the Kanrin Maru." Before this book, I have not been able to find the theory that "Yoshitake Kimura was a vice-envoy." If so, it would be an error that would tarnish the 6th Watsuji Tetsuro Cultural Award the book received.


として格上げを図っている。「身内が咸臨丸乗組員の子孫」という著者も 最近その誤りを認め、図書館協議会選定図書となっていたのを辞退している。
"The Kizuna of the Kanrin Maru,"by Yoshiki Munakata (Kaibundo 2014 Heisei 26) ... The author seems to have referred to "Gunkan Bogyo Settsunokami Kimura" and upgraded Kimura with the following words:
  "Yoshitake Kimura was the vice envoy..."
  "Vice envoy to the U.S...."
  "Kimura, even as a vice envoy, is of the same rank as Niimi, the official envoy. ......"

Recently, the author, who says that his relatives are descendants of the crew of the Kanrin Maru, has acknowledged the errors and declined to have the book selected by the Library Council.

「江戸散歩」(クリナップ)…「なお、副使は咸臨丸の木村摂津守喜毅だった」 本当の副使村垣淡路守範正をまったく無視している記述。

In blogs, we can find wrong descriptions as follows:
- "A Clear and Beautiful Stream - Restoring the Japanese Way of Life" by Yoshifumi Taguchi (PHP Publishing): "As a vice envoy to the U.S. ......" There are parts that read as if the author confuses the Japanese delegation to the U.S. and the Kamrin Maru group.
- Kaishu (Settsunokami Yoshitake) Kimura (Wikipedia): "Kimura was ordered to serve as a vice envoy to the U.S. as the commander of the Kanrin Maru..."
- Settsunokami Yoshitake Kimura (Nikoniko Encyclopedia): "He sailed to sea as a vice envoy to the United States..." "The vice envoy decided to prepare another ship in Japan and send it out. That is the Kanrin Maru. ......"
- "In the Days of Visiting Historic Sites": "Kimura served as a vice envoy to..."
- Kokusaiha Nipponjin Yosei Koza (International Japanese Training Course): Settsunokami Yoshitake Kimura was appointed as the vice envoy aboard the Kanrin Maru.
- "The Official Guide to Hawaii Specialist Certification" (Ei Shuppansha): "Settsunokami Yositake Kimura, vice envoy of the Mission." Other than this, it summarizes the main points in an easy-to-understand manner, and is a good certification page for learning about Hawaii.
- Yamaguchi Prefectural Medical Association Bulletin :...

There are many more wrong descriptions on other blogs.  

By the way, there is no mention of "Settsunokami Yoshitake Kimura as a vice envoy" on the website of the Society of Kanrin-maru Descendants.

◆実際はどうなのか What was it really like?


The official appointment of the envoys to the U.S. (the official envoy, the deputy envoy, and the censor) had already taken place on October 8 (September 13 in Japanese calender), 1859, in Fuyo-no-Ma room of Edo Castle, two months before the appointment of Settsunokami Yoshitake Kimura (November 1859 in Japanese calender). The following record clearly reveals both the purpose and the role and title of the positions.

  己未九月十三日            外国奉行


                        小栗 又一



    小栗 又一


                     《『幕末維新 外交史料集成 第一巻』禮儀門 



The Shogunate appointed only one person, Awajinokami Norimasa Muragaki, as the vice envoy to the United States. The following is the content of the written appointment (the original is written vertically) .

September 13th, 1859
To: Buzennokami Shinmi, Awajjinokami Muragaki and Mataichi Oguri*
When we dispatch envoys to the U.S., please be advised that Buzennokami Shinmi will be the official envoy, Awajinokami Muragaki will be the vice envoy, and Mataichi Oguri (note*) will be the censor.     ("Bakumatsu Ishin Gaiko Shiryo Shusei Vol. 1" Reigimon p. 235)

(note*: Bungonokami (later Kozukenosuke) Tadamasa Oguri was called Mataichi at the time.
It should be noted that no other person was appointed to the position of the vice envoy.



The envoys to the U.S.
(In the delegation, they were called "the three envoys" or "the three dukes")

From left, the vice envoy Awajinokami Norimasa Muragaki, the official envoy Buzennokami Masaoki Shinmi, and the censor Bungonokami Tadamasa Oguri

              - Order for exchange of treaty documents to Buzennokami Shinmi and Awajinokami Muragaki, both Forein Magistrates, and Mataichi Oguri, the censor

October 8, 1859 (September 13th, 1859 in Japanese calender)

Foreign Magistrate     Buzennokami Shinmi and Awajinokami Muragami
Censor           Mataichi Oguri

"I am sending you to the United States to sign this treaty, and you must prepare for it."    
While Kamonnokami Naosuke Ii and elder council members were present in the Fuyo Room in Edo Castle, Shimousanokami delivered a message to them.                     

Thus, first, the three were told that they would be sent to the U.S. to exchange the treaty, and at the same time, the roles of the three were also announced as follows.

- Order of the three envoys  
October 8, 1859 (September 13th, 1859 in Japanese calender)    
Buzennokami Shinmi
Awajinokami Muragami
Mataichi Oguri

When we dispatch envoys to the U.S., please be advised that Buzennokami Shinmi will be the official envoy, Awajinokami Muragaki will be the vice envoy, and Mataichi Oguri will be the censor.

(“Bakumatsu Ishin Gaiko Shiryo Shusei Vol. 1” Reigimon)

There were three candidates for temporary representatives.

木村摂津守喜毅は使節に万一の時の代理役だから副使と同格」とする説 はどうか。


Then, what about the theory that "Settsunokami Yoshitake Kimura was supposed to act as a deputy in the event that something should happen to the envoys, so he was the same rank as a vice envoy"?

After the appointment of the three envoys, additional orders were issued for deputies in the event that something should happen to the envoys, and eventually three candidates for temporary deputies were nominated, in the following order: 1, 2, and 3.

「目付小栗又一は正使・副使に支障があった時は一人でも代行すべし」  という下知があった。

    ◯外国奉行下知状案   …まず、(外国奉行の)正使副使にその旨を伝え

1, There was an order that "The censor Mataichi Oguri should act solely on behalf of the official and vice envoys when they are unable to carry out their duties."

In the proposed directive to foreign magistrates, who would be the official and vice envoys to the U.S., there was a sentence which read as follows:
"If any of the envoys should become ill or suffer any other inconvenience, Mataichi Oguri shall be their deputy representative."

      目付下知状案   …続いて目付小栗忠順本人にも直接伝えている。

       《『幕末維新 外交史料集成 第四巻』修好門 P2122

 In the proposed directive to the censor, the order was also directly conveyed to Mataichi (Tadamasa) Oguri as follows:
"If any of the official and vice envoys should become ill or suffer any other inconvenience, you shall serve as their deputy even by yourself."  ("Bakumatsu Ishin Gaiko Shiryo Shusei Vol. 4" Shukomon, p. 21-22)


 今度亜墨利加国江被遣候 御使之面々御用中若病気等に而何も差支え候節者其方御使相勤候心得に而可被罷在候

2、An additional order was issued on January 31, 1860 (January 9, 1860 in Japanese calender) , just before the departure of the "Kanrin Maru," and Settsunokami Yoshitake Kimura who would go on board the Kanrin Maru was ordered to act as a deputy.

To Settsunokami Kimura:

In the event that any of the three envoys to be dispatched to the U.S. are disturbed by illness or other problems, you should be willing to serve as the envoy.


◯同上云々 組頭森田岡太郎ニ演達スベシト勘定奉行ニ指令
 今度亜墨利加国江被遣候御使之面々並木村摂津守共御用中若病気等に而何も差支え候節者其方 御使相勤候心得に而可被罷在旨可被申渡候


3, An additional order was given to Okataro Morita (on borad the Powhatan), the head of the accountant group, to act as a deputy in the event of any trouble with either the three envoys or Yoshitake Kimura.

The order was given to Okataro Morita, the head of the accountant group, through the accounting magistrate on January 31, 1860 (January 9, 1860 in Japanese calender):

In the event that the three envoys to the United States and Settsunokami Kimura are unable to carry out their duties due to illness or other reasons, you are hereby informed that you will serve as their deputy.



Taken together, the Bakufu's instructions were as follows:

1. In case the Official and Vice Envoys had any difficulty in performing their duties, (Kozukenosuke Tadamasa) Mataichi Oguri , the Censor, was instructed to fulfill the duties in their stead.
2. It is instructed that in the event of illness or other inconvenience to the three envoys (the Official Envoy, Vice Envoy and the Censor) Settsunokami Yoshitake Kimura, the Warship Magistrate, on board the Kanrin-maru, should act in their place.
3. It is instructed that in the event of any difficulty in the performance of duties by either the three envoys aboard the Powhatan or Settsunokami Yoshitake Kimura on board the Kanrin Maru, Morita Okataro, the head accountant on board the Powhatan, will act in their place




From the above we know the following:

- Neither *1, 2, nor 3 gave the official title of "deputy envoy." The logic that "deputy envoy" is equivalent to "vice envoy" because he is a deputy is an impossible story of a later generation that only "wants to make him a vice envoy." If this logic holds true, then Tadamasa Oguri can be said to be a deputy envoy in the first place.

- The Kanrin Maru was originally scheduled to accompany the ship from Edo to San Francisco to Panama. Therefore, the 2,'s directive should be judged and executed in the Pacific Ocean up to Panama, and that directive would be invalid after Panama in the position of Yoshitake Kimura, who had neither the national letter nor the ratification letter.

- Additional instructions 2 and 3 were issued on January 9, just prior to the departure of the Kamrin Maru on January 13. Considering this, they were issued hastily as an addendum in anticipation of an unexpected accident during the outward trans-Pacific voyage and it is difficult to say that they were planned from the beginning.

- Based on the above, we can say with certainty that many books, websites, and blogs err in stating that "Settsunokami Yoshitake Kimura was the vice-envoy" and "the ship on which the vice envoy boarded was the Kanrin Maru."


When and why did the theory that "Yoshitake Kimura was a deputy envoy" begin?


The Beginning  

In 1960 (Showa 35), when the ceremony commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Japanese mission to the U.S. was held, the title of Settsunokami Yoshitake Kimura on the list of attendees was "Warship Magistrate" but not "Vice Envoy." Shizu, a descendant of Kimura, attended the ceremony. The theory that "Yoshitake Kimura was a vice envoy" seems to have been born after 1960 and spread in recent years.




In 1961 (Showa 36), the "the Historical Records of the Japanese Delegation to the U.S. in 1860 (the First Year of the Man'en Era)" was published, and the actual condition of the Kanrin Maru became known from the historical documents contained in the book, especially  Captain John Mercer Brook's "Kanrin Maru Nikki (Diary of Captain Brook)."

As a result, the following heroic images (fictions) of Kaishu Katsu and Kanrin Maru in prewar Shushin textbooks were overturned:
"The Kanrin Maru was dispatched at the request of Kaishu Katsu."  
"The voyage across the Pacific Ocean was a feat and a grand accomplishment only by Japanese."
"Katsu Kaishu stood and cheered everyone on throughout the voyage."



Originally, the Shushin Textbooks contained fictional "stories," so not all of them were history, and it was only after the war that the fictional stories of Kanrin Maru were exposed. The same reason why there are no screens of Rintaro Katsu playing an active role on the Kanrin Maru in recent TV dramas and movies is because it is no longer possible to depict the story.  

Since "the theory of Yoshikatsu Kimura was the deputy envoy" is not found in any books written prior to this, it is assumed that it came out as a movement to re-upgrade and reinstate the image of the Kanrin Maru which had been overturned.

『咸臨丸海を渡る』土居良三(未来社1992平成2年)(中公文庫1998) と
『軍艦奉行木村摂津守』土居良三(中公新書1994平成6年) に

For example, let's take a look at the following books:
"Kanrin Maru Umi-wo Wataru (Kenrin Maru crossing the Pacific ocean)" by Ryozo Doi (Miraisha 1992 Heisei 2) (Chuko Bunko 1998)
"Warship Magistrate Settsunokami Kimura" by Ryozo Doi (Chuko Shinsho 1994, Heisei 6).






The following sentences appear in the books:

"It was decided that in the event that the offiial envoy was disturbed, the warship magistrate would replace him as the deputy envoy, and the Kanrin Maru would be used in the name of a ship to carry the deputy envoy."

"Vice engoy on a different ship"
"The reason why another ship was designated as the one on which the vice envoy would board was..."

"He officially boarded the Kanrin Maru as a deputy envoy to the U.S."

This was probably the first time the term "vice envoy" was used in reference to Settsunokami Kimura.


"The Navy Ship "KIMURA" "KETSU MORI" Nakagong Shinsho" Heisei 6 years



             亜墨利加國江為御用被差遣候間可致用意候 」

The author is said to be a descendant of Kosaku Nagao, a follower of Yoshitake Kimura, but why did he make such statements in the books, which are said to be good books?  

Furthermore, one of the books also mentions that Yoshitake Kimura, Warship Magistrate, was "appointed as an envoy to the U.S.," witht the following words:    

On November 24, a ceremony was held in the Kikyo Room in Edo Castle to order Zusho (Settsunokami Yoshitake) Kimura to serve as an envoy to the United States. The "Kimura Diary" contains the following entry:
"While Kamonnokami Naosuke Ii and other senior officials attended the meeting, Izuminokami gave the following order:              I am sending you to the United States on an errand, and you must prepare for it."  

This is not a form of order to "appoint an envoy to the U.S.," because it merely says, "I am sending you to the U.S. on an errand, so be prepared. If there is an official document that states Yoshitake Kimura was appointed as an envoy or deputy envoy to the U.S., it should be officially indicated here.



Also, let's take a look at the following book:
"Kanrin Maru no Kizuna (The bond of Kanrin Maru)" (Kaibundo, 2014 Heisei 26) by Yoshiki Munakata: The author claims that "My relatives are descendants of Yoshitake Kimura."




It is written in a conversational style as follows:

"The Shogun has a special intention for Zusho (Settsunokami Yoshitake) Kimura. That is... to send a separate ship to America, with Zusho Kimura , a vice envoy, on board as the Warship Magistrate." (p. 6).
"This is in accordance with the secret order that in the event of illness or other unforeseen circumstances preventing the official envoy's travel to Washington, D.C., Zusho Kimura, a vice envoy, should serve as the official envoy and be granted an audience with the President of the United States. In this way, Yoshitake Kimura, even though he is a deputy envoy, will assume the same level of responsibility as Shinmi, the official envoy, so please be aware of this." (p7)

 *この本の帯で 歴史ドキュメントとしているが、創作会話が入っていてはドキュメントとはいえない。フィクションとすべきである。


Thus, it describes that there was an unofficial order from Shogun Iemochi, but fiction in a creative conversation is not historical fact.  

*The wrapper band of this book refers to it as a historical document, but it cannot be called a document because it contains creative conversations. It should be considered fiction.  

This kind of personnel appointment is not something that should be concealed under the guise of "secret order." As in the case of Mataichi (Kozukenosuke Tadamasa) Oguri's appointment above, the other envoys should have been aware of the situation in advance, and an official directive should have been issued. In the absence of an official document stating that Kimura was appointed as "deputy envoy," the theory that "Yoshitake Kimura was the deputy envoy to the U.S." does not hold water.



... Incidentally, there is the following sentence in the text of this book:
"Oguri was seen as ... the official representative."
This seemingly erroneous sentence is probably a diversion from the old Wikipedia article "Kozukenosuke Oguri." This statement is not true, since both Buzennokami Masaoki Shinmi, the official envoy, and Awajinokamii Norimasa Muragaki, the deputy envoy, experienced frequent negotiations with foreign nationals as foreign magistrates.  

There is also the following sentence:
"Rintaro (Kaishu) Katsu said, 'We need Americans' help when we return home too,' and they hired five American men to help us return home..."

However, the plan to hire Americans to serve as guides had already been discussed in September of 1858 (Ansei 5), two years prior to the sailing to the U.S. and as of December of 1859 (Ansei 6), the previous year, it had been decided that "Americans would also be hired when they return to Japan." This is a story that has nothing to do with Rintaro Katsu, but is made out to be his achievement.  

Nevertheless, this is a good book that vividly describes the "bond" between Yoshitake Kimura and Yukichi Fukuzawa, who came to be fascinated by Kimura's warm and sincere personality.

◆ How was the official appointment of the three envoys to the U.S. done?


 「此頃閣老より命ありて、使節の内若病疾等にて差礙(さしさわりある時ハ、代りて和聖東washington)に至り予に使 節をつとむへしと・・・」

 1 目付小栗忠順(ポウハタン号)      安政六年九月十三日任命
 2 軍艦奉行木村喜毅(咸臨丸)       安政七年一月九日任命
 3 勘定組頭森田岡太郎(ポウハタン号)  安政七年一月九日任命  

Yoshitake Kimura was not a deputy envoy to the U.S.

Indeed, in Yoshitake Kimura's diary, "Hoshi Meriken Kiko (Journey to the U.S. to serve at the behest of the Shogun)," (in Bakumatsu Ishin Gaiko Shiryo Shusei Vol. 4), there is the following sentence, in which he is ordered to act as a deputy envoy:
"The Elder council member of the Shogunate has ordered that, if the envoys are hindered by illness or disease, I shall go to Washington and serve as an envoy in their stead..."

However, as mentioned above, this was only a temporary deputy ordered on January 31 (January 9 in Japanese calender), 1860 in the event that the envoys to the U.S. should encounter any problems, and was not assigned to the envoy (the official envoy, the deputy envoy or the censor) himself. The temporary deputies assigned to the U.S. envoys were as described above, and the deputies were assigned in the following order: 1, 2, and 3.  

1. Tadamasa Oguri (on Powhatan), the censor, appointed on October 8 (September 31 in Japanese calender), 1859.
2. Yoshitake Kimura, Warship Magistrate (on Kanrin Maru), appointed on January 31 (January 9 in Japanese calender) 1860  
3. Okataro Morita (on Powhatan), head of the accounting group, appointed on January 31 (January 9 in in Japanese calender), 1860

◆ Was it aimed at reinstatment of the Kanrin Maru?
◆ 正使に万一の支障があった場合、代るべき副使を乗せるための船という名目で、その副使に軍艦奉行を当てることとした」(土井良三『軍艦奉行木村摂津守』)


It is a mistake to ignore the above historical facts and state as follows:

- It was decided that, in the event of any trouble with the official envoy, the warship magistrate should be assigned as the deputy envoy to replace the official envoy, and the Kanrin Maru would be used to carry the deputy envoy." ("Warship Magistrate Settsunokami Kimura" by Ryozo Doi).  
- In the event that the official envoy was sick or had some unforeseen circumstances..." ("Kanrin Maru no Kizuna" by Yoshiki Munakata)

These texts make it seem as if Yoshitake Kimura was the only temporary deputy, and further state that the ship used to carry the deputy was the Kanrin Maru.




In the directive letter of January 31 (January 9 in Japanese calender), 1860, it is stated as follows:
"If any of the three envoys should become ill or otherwise become disabled while on duty..."
As you can see here, they are reminded that they are temporary deputies only in case of failure of all three envoys.



So, it is a poor choice of words to describe the following:
- "In the event of any trouble with the official envoy..." ("Warship Magistrate Settsunokami Kimura")
- "In the event that the official envoy was sick or had some unforeseen circumstances..." ("Kanrin Maru no Kizuna" by Yoshiki Munakata)

Rather, they should be "In the event of any trouble with the envoys..." and "In the event that the official envoy, the deputy envoy, and the censor were sick ...".



If the author had meant only "the official envoy," he would have ignored Awajinokami Norimasa Muragaki (foreign magistrate), the vice envoy, and Tadamasa Oguri, the censor, who were both on board the Powhatan. It is not possible for the warship magistrate to jump over the vice foreign envoy (Awajinokami Norimasa Muragaki) and the censor (Tadamasan Oguri) to the forefront of diplomacy just because he is a temporary deputy.

Otherwise, did the author intentionally use the phrase "the official envoy" to make readers imagine that "Yoshitake Kimura on board the Kanrin Maru was the next in line to the official envoy" in an attempt to re-elevate the prewar myth of the Kanrin Maru, which had been destroyed? This is an expression that cannot be overlooked




Problems with "Gunkan Bogyo Kimura Settsumori (Warship Magistrate Settsunokami Kimura)" published by Chuko Shinsho

(1) The author trivializes the meaning of vice envoy by stating that a vicec envoy is a temporary deputy only in case of hindrance to the official envoy, and ignores or is unaware of the existence of Awajinokami Norimasa Muragaki, foreign magistrate, officially appointed as the vice envoy to the U.S.

(2) The purpose of dispatching the Kanrin Maru was to escort or accompany the Japanese envoys to the U.S. on board the Powhatan, and in effect, it was a voyage practice. However, the author is trying to elevate the status of the Kanrim Maru as "the vessel on which the vice envoy would board." At the same time, the author ignores, or is unaware of, the fact that the officially-appointed vice envoy Awajinokami Norimasa Muragaki, foreign magistrate, was on board the Powhatan.

(3) The author attempts to elevate the status of Yoshitake Kimura, warship magistrate, by saying that he was "appointed as an envoy to the U.S." The three envoys to the U.S. were the official envoy, the vice envoy, and the censor, and were referred to as the "three envoys" or "three lords" by the members of the delegation that accompanied them. There was no "envoy" on board the Kanrin Maru.



* If Yoshitake Kimura heard this story, I am sure, he would quietly say, "I was not a deputy envoy, so please don't upgrade me later without my knowledge. I am ashamed that I seem to be misrepresenting my position." I regard Yoshitake Kimura as such a sincere person.

* Please note: There may be a lack of research on our part. If you find any official documents that appoint Yoshitake Kimura as a deputy envoy, please let us know, so that we will immediately retract this page and apologize for the lack of clarity.                                       (August 28, 2016)

 Related Pages  ● The Jorney of the Delegation to the U.S.





■Bridge of Hope(english)…JEWL発行の本で小栗上野介の業績紹介
 <Regarding Kanrin Maru>

Three ships for the Japanese mission to the U.S.: The USS Powhatan brought the mission to the U.S. by crossing the Pacific ocean and the Kanrin Maru was not used for the mission.
 Leaflet in Japanese and English, "Three ships that carried the mission to the U.S. and around the world": We have made the leaflet to advocate removing the Kanrin Maru from school textbooks.
■ J Japanese people with the "Kanrin Maru disease":: A syndrome that they feel uncomfortable unless they mention the Kanrin Maru and Kaishu Katsu in every occasion.
The Kanrin Maru myth created by Shushin textbooks:: The story of Kaishu Katsu and the Kanrin Maru was taught in "Shushin" of national textbooks, but not in their history books.
 Captain John Mercer Brooke: The Kanrin Maru did not sink thanks to Brooke and John Manjiro.
Captain John Mercer Brooke, who successfully completed the adventure of the "Kanrin Maru" (link)---Complete description of Captain Brooke's "Kanrin Maru Diary." It clearly presents the actual conditions of the voyage.
 What is seamanship (link PDF)...Seamanship that Captain Brooke passed on to the Japanese people.
Japan-U.S. Exchange - Brooke  (link)...A careful introduction to Captain Brook's accomplishments.

<Regarding the Delegation to the U.S.>

Itinerary of the Japanese Mission to the United States: The Itinerary of the first Japanese to go around the world
President's medals: Gold, silver, and bronze medals were presented to the envoys and all the followers.
 Tadamasa Oguri's Currency Negotiations: The currency experiments that made Oguri say "No" in Philadelphia.
Toshichi Sato, a village master who traveled around the world: Gonda village master traveled around the world as a follower of Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri
 Sadayu Tamamushi: The world that a Sendai clan samurai saw was fresh.
Oguri's Followers on the Mission to America: Nine Followers of Tadamasa Oguri
Miyoshi Gonzo, a follower of Tadamasa Oguri in the mission to the U.S..: He was from Shimane prefecture.
 Achievements of the Japanese mission to the U.S..: Oguri brought back a screw nail.
The Japanese envoys to the U.S. decided to use the Hinomaru as the national flag They chose the Hinomaru as the national flag of Japan, which was originally a ship's seal.

Reading the "Detailed Drawing of Yokosuka"": Yokosuka with advanced facilities of modern industry was crowded with visitors. We can read from the drawing that Yokosuka was the place of the Industrial Revolution in Japan.

 A letter of thanks to Mr. Hideyuki Okazaki, a model sailing ship artist: Thanks to him, we have three ships of the mission to the U.S.
 Tommy Polka: Music of Onojiro Tateishi, a boy interpreter who became very popular in the U.S.
 Mission to the U.S. and American Dairy Farming: The first Japanese to eat ice cream

Tomioka Silk Mill is a "sister" of Yokosuka Shipyard: It was not a mutation that worked. There is continuity in history. The accomplishments of the Japanese envoys to the United States are blossoming here.

Lord Ieyasu of Sunpu in the Age of Discovery (link): Shosuke Tanaka's Trans-Pacific Crossing

 Bridge of Hope(English) ... JEWL (Japanese Executive Women's League) in Los Angeles praises the achievements of Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri in the book they have published.