HP東善寺>遣米使節が乗った船   遣米使節三船  ポウハタン号 ・ ロアノウク号 ・ナイアガラ号
Tozenji Temple>Ships used by the Japanese Mission to the U.S. in 1860 ● Three ships used by the Japanese Mission, the Powhatan, the Roanoke, and the Niagara

 ロアノウク号 ナイアガラ号

The Three Ships of the Japanese Mission to go to the United States and around the world
The Powhatan, the Roanoke,and the Niagara


The Powhatan

◇ポウハタン号 Powhatan 2,400トン <江戸→ハワイ→サンフランシスコ→パナマ>
The Powhatan 2,400 tons (Edo → Hawaii → San Francisco → Panama)



On Februay 13, 1860 (January 22 of Man'en 1 in Japanese calender), the ship departed from Yokohama. The 77 Japanese suffered from seasickness due to the stormy weather in the North Pacific. After refueling in Hawaii, the ship arrived in San Francisco on March 30, 1860 (March 9 of Man'en 1) and they were reunited with people on the escort ship, the Kanrin Maru, which had arrived earlier. On April 7, 1860 (March 17th of Man'en 1), they parted ways with the Kanrin Maru, which was returning to Japan from San Francisco, and were sent further south to Panama on this ship. The ship's name "Powhatan" is the name of a Native American chief and the father of the Disney story "Pocahontas." The model of the ship below was completed in March 1999 by Mr. Hideyuki Okazaki, a resident of Furukawa City, Miyagi Prefecture.

There was a misunderstanding among Japanese people since the Meiji era that "Kaishu Katsu was the Japanese envoy to the U.S. and he was the first Japanese to cross the Pacific Ocean on the Kanrin Maru." To corresct this misunderstanding, the priest of the Tozenji Temple commissioned Mr. Hideyuki Okazaki to create this model over a period of seven months with donations from the public. The model is in the collection of Tozenji now.

帆船模型:東善寺所蔵 1999平成11年小栗まつりで除幕披露

U.S. warship that carried the Japanese envoys including Kozukenosuke Oguri to the United States
Model of the sailing ship: Owned by Tozenji Temple, unveiled at the 1999 Oguri Festival


For your reference, :
there are also a model of the Powhatan, and stained glass and a painting depicting the Powhatan.

Model ship in the Kato Somo Memorial Museum, Kanayama-cho, Gero City, Gifu Prefecture

It was created by Hideyuki Okazaki, whom Tozenji introduced to the museum.


Stained glass window depicting the Powhatan
Stained glass window on the second floor of the Yokohama Port Opening Memorial Hall depicts the Powhatan.
下田では船腹の赤線から「赤筋のポウハタン」と呼ばれ、識別されていたそうです。  下田の了仙寺

Painting depicting the Powhatan
In Shimoda, the ship is called the "red-striped Powhatan" because of the red lines on its belly. Collection of Ryosenji Temple in Shimoda
描かれたポウハタン (古河市歴史博物館蔵)
The painted Powhatan (Koga Historical Museum, Koga City, Ibaraki Prefecture)


                                    The Roanoke

◇ロアノウク号 Roanoke 3,400トン <アスペンウォール(パナマの反対・大西洋側の町・いまコロン)→(カリブ海)→ワシントン>

The Roanoke, a 3,400-ton warship, sailed with the Japanese delagation on board from Aspenwall (today's Colon) of Panama to the Caribbean Sea then to Washington.
(フランクレスリー・イラストレイテッド新聞 1860.5.26/東善寺所蔵)



■ After leaving Panama City by train to Aspenwall (today's Colon) on the Atlantic side, the delegation crossed the Caribbean Sea on the U.S. warship Roanoke and headed for Washington.

Incidentally, on page 71 of "Kaishu Katsu" (Chuko Shinsho 1997) written by Rei Matsuura, there is an illustration as "The Kanrin Maru in an American newspaper," but, in fact, what is used there is this picture of the Roanoke. In the school education in Japan that started in 1873, the story of the delegation to the U.S. was replaced with the false story* that Kaishu Katsu became the first Japanese to cross the Pacific Ocean. Moreover, even the ship on which Kaishu Katsu boarded was replaced with the ship on which the delegation boarded.

* The first Japanese to cross the Pacific Ocean was Tsunenaga Hasekura, who crossed from Ishinomaki to Mexico to Rome in 1613, and even three years before that, Shosuke Tanaka also crossed to Mexico. After all, the first Japanese who crossed the Pacific was not Kaishu Katsu and others on board the Kanrin Maru.

◇ロアノウク号 ROANOKE
(フランクレスリーイラスト新聞 1860.5.26・東善寺蔵)
(Frank Leslie Illustrated Newspaper, May 26, 1860, owned by Tozenji Temple)

(フランクレスリー・イラスト新聞 1860.5.26・東善寺所蔵)
The delegation being welcomed to the Roanoke
(Frank Leslie Illustrated Newspaper, May 26, 1860, owned by Tozenji Temple)


完成した帆船模型ロアノウク号  2005(平成17)年5月小栗まつりで除幕披露

▲ The completed sailing ship model Roanoke unveiled at the Oguri Festival in May 2005.

The Niagara

ナイアガラ Niagara 4,800トン <ニューヨーク→ロアンダ(アフリカ)→ジャワ(インドネシア)→香港→江戸>
The Niagara of 4,800 tons sailed with the Japanese delagation on board from New York to Luanda (Africa), Jave (Indonesia), Hong Kong and Edo.


The model of the Niagara was created by Mr. Hideyuki Okazaki and unveiled at the Oguri Festival on May 27, 2007. It is owned by Tozenji Temple.

The Niagara, a state-of-the-art screw ship of the U.S. Navy.
The Niagara carried the delegation from New York across the Atlantic Ocean to Luanda (Africa), Java (Indonesia), Hong Kong, and Edo (Tokyo) on their way home. This picture shows the delegation getting off the Niagara after arriving off Shinagawa, Edo.

この時、英語では「Hip! Hip! Hooley!」(ヒップ!ヒップ! フ−レー!)と三回声をそろえて叫ぶ。

▲ Harper's Weekly Newspaper (owned by Tozenji, Image courtesy of the U.S. Naval Archives, Washington)
We can see that the delegation is being seen off with the "Manning the yards," the highest ceremony in which all the sailors climb up the mast to see them off. At the time, they shouted together, "Hip! Hip! Hooley!" for three times.  




Removing the Kanrin Maru reveals the achievements of Kozukenosuke Oguri in the U.S.

The delegation went around the world aboard the three U.S. Navy warships:
It is now well known that the Japanese delegation to the United States crossed the Pacific Ocean from off Shinagawa to San Francisco and then to Panama on the "Powhatan." However, there has been a misconception that they sailed around the world on board the Powhatan, so we wanted to convey the historical facts by displaying models of the three U.S. warships on which the delegation sailed around the world.
The historical facts are as follows:
○ The delegation got off the Powhatan at Panama City, took a train to Aspen Wall, a town on the Atlantic Ocean side of the Panama isthmus, got on board the Roanoke, and landed at Washington.
○ To return to Japan, they got on board the Niagara at New York, crossed the Atlantic Ocean and traveled to Africa, the Indian Ocean, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and then to Japan.

The history of the delegation's round-the-world trip in 1860 has not been taught in schools in Japan since the Meiji era. In particular, 2010 will be the 150th anniversary of the mission to the U.S., but unless we are careful enough, it may be replaced with the 150th anniversary of the Kanrin Maru, and the achievements of Kozukenosuke Oguri in the U.S. may be hidden again.
咸臨丸を教科書からはずす会 の会員資格があります。


Reading this page, you are eligible for membership of the Association for Removing the Kanrin Maru from School Textbooks.

Member's responsibility: Advocate removing the picture of the Kanrin Maru, which is falsely used to explain the Japanese mission to the U.S., from high schools’ history textbooks and supplementary readers, and putting the photo of the mission's visit to the Washington Naval Shipyard in its place.

Member's privilege: You can reveal your knowledge such as "Kaishu Katsu was not an envoy to the U.S.," "Kaishu Katsu returned from San Francisco," "The mission to the U.S. did not board the Kanrin Maru," "The construction of the Yokosuka shipyard was conceived from Kozukenosuke Oguri's visit to the Washington Naval Shipyard," etc.

Fee: Free


Mr. Hideyuki Okazaki of Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, has graciously agreed to make models of the sailing ships for Tozenji Temple. Mr. Okazaki is a world-renowned artist of sailing ship models, and his elaborate models, all of which are handmade, have a realistic texture that fascinates viewers. He took on this project out of his devotion to the work of conveying the achievements of Kozukenosuke Oguri. It takes more than half a year to make a model of one ship.
関連ページ Related Pages 

US cities the Japanese delegation visited in 1860: Washington


Brochure "Three Ships That Carried the First Japanese Embassy to the United States Around the World"

Bridge of Hope (English) … 小栗上野介の業績を紹介するJEWL発行の書籍
JEWL(Japanese Executive Women's League) in Los Angeles introduces the achievements of Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri in the book they published.




■Bridge of Hope(english)…JEWL発行の本で小栗上野介の業績紹介


 ■ Itinerary of the Japanese Mission to the United States
Visiting the course of the mission to the U.S. (Washington DC): The main gate of the naval shipyard still existed.
Visiting the course of the mission to the U.S. (Philadelphiai)
Visiting the course of the mission to the U.S. (New York): They bypassed the Broadway to continue the parade on the way to the hotel.

Leaflet in Japanese and English, "Three ships that carried the mission to the U.S. and around the world": We have made the leaflet to advocate removing the Kanrin Maru from school textbooks.

Bridge of Hope (English) ... JEWL (Japanese Executive Women's League) in Los Angeles praises the achievements of Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri in the book they have published.
President's medals: Gold, silver, and bronze medals were presented to the envoys and all the followers.
Tadamasa Oguri's Currency Negotiations: The currency experiments that made Oguri say "No" in Philadelphia.

Toshichi Sato, a village master who traveled around the world: Gonda village master traveled around the world as a follower of Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri
Sadayu Tamamushi: The world that a Sendai clan samurai saw was fresh.
Oguri's Followers on the Mission to America: Nine Followers of Tadamasa Oguri
Miyoshi Gonzo, a follower of Tadamasa Oguri in the mission to the U.S.: He was from Shimane prefecture.
Achievements of the Japanese mission to the U.S.: Oguri brought back a screw nail.
Reading the "Detailed Drawing of Yokosuka": We can read from the drawing that Yokosuka was the place of the Industrial Revolution in Japan.

Izu Shimoda, the town of the USS Powhatan
A letter of thanks to Mr. Hideyuki Okazaki, a model sailing ship artist: Thanks to him, we have three ships of the mission to the U.S.
Tommy Polka: Music of Onojiro Tateishi, a boy interpreter who became very popular in the U.S.
Mission to the U.S. and American Dairy Farming: The first Japanese to eat ice cream

Journey Around the World: The mission to the United States and the first Japanese to travel around the world, not taught in schools started by the Meiji government. They were the first Japanese to go around the world with a purpose.

<Regarding Kanrin Maru>

■There have been false theories recently that "Settsunokami Yoshitake Kimura was a deputy envoy" and that "the ship on which the deputy envoy boarded was the Kanrin Maru." Where are the roots of them?
Japanese people with the "Kanrin Maru disease": A syndrome that they feel uncomfortable unless they mention the Kanrin Maru and Kaishu Katsu in every occasion
Captain Brooke: The Kanrin Maru did not sink thanks to Brooke and John Manjiro.
◇ What is Seamanship (PDF, Link)...Seamanship passed on to the Japanese by Captain Brooke

遣米使節 世界一周の旅
遣米使節 小栗忠順従者の記録

  List of the Japanese Envoys to the United States in 1860 (Link)
 “Kobeiki (Records of visiting the U.S.)” by Tetsuta Kimura, a follower of Tadamasa Oguri
◇ “The Records of Tadamasa Oguri’s Follower” by Taiken Murakami regarding the delegation to the U.S. in 1860