HP東善寺> 遣米使節の行程     遣米使節の行程・日本人初の世界一周 
HP Tozenji Temple> Itinerary of the Japanese Mission to the U.S.  Itinerary of the Japanese Mission to the U.S., the First Japanese to Go Around the World

Itinerary of the Japanese Mission to the United States
The First Japanese to Go Around the World
 on Purpose
  Red line: ... From Japan to Washington D.C. and other East Coast cities by USS Powhatan and USS Roanoke
Green line: ... From New York to Japan by sailing around the world by USS Niagara.
Gray line 
... The course of the Kanrin Maru, a training ship under the name of "escort ship." No envoys were on board.
(Image provided by "NEWTON," March 2008 issue)
 In the itinerary below,
・ JC is the Japanese calendar.
・ WC is the Western calendar.
・ There was a leap month in that year.
・ The date was changed at the date line. However, in the diaries of people other than Gohachiro Namura, an interpreter, and Tetsuta Kimura, a follower of Oguri, who made corrections during the trip, the date was not corrected, so there is a discrepancy of one day.



一月十八日(1860年2月9日・木) 築地〜品川沖出発 →横浜〜ハワイへ(26日間航海)
一月十九日、二十日、一月二十一日 横浜 滞船
一月二十二日午前8時ころ 横浜出航
二月二日(2月23日・木) 日付変更線通過 *ここで二日をもう一度繰り返す*
ハワイ・ホノルル着 フレンチホテルに止宿

  ハワイにて (14日間滞在)
二月二十六日(3月17日・土) ハワイ発 (11日間航海)

 サンフランシスコ着 サンフランシスコ港ヴァレホ埠頭沖まで進み、咸臨丸は北のメーア島で修理しているとわかって、そのまま(寄港せず)サンフランシスコ湾北北東のメーア島米国海軍造船所へ行く。咸臨丸一行に再会し滞在。

三月十日(3月31日・土) サンフランシスコ市街へ蒸気船「アクティヴ号」で行き、インターナショナルホテル泊
三月十一日(4月1日・日) サンフランシスコ滞在 
三月十二日(4月2日・月) 英仏露領事と面会 市役所へ行き幹部に挨拶、音楽学校で外国領事も列席の歓 迎昼食会ののち、メーア島へ戻る
三月十五日(4月5日・木) 咸臨丸の修理にまだ時間がかかること、米国の事情もわかってきたので、咸臨丸はパナマまでの護衛を取りやめここまでとし、別れてポウハタン号はメーア島からサンフランシスコへ移動。
三月十六日(4月6日・金) サンフランシスコ滞在

月十七日(4月7日・土) 夕方サンフランシスコ発 (18日間航海)
閏三月四日(4月24日・火) パナマ着(滞在なし・パナマ鉄道で大西洋側アスペンウォールへ)
 The 7th year of Ansei became the first year of Man'en (1860) from March 18.
(The Kanrinmaru accompanying the Powhatan sailed from off Shinagawa to Yokohama on JC January 13 (WC Saturday, February 4, 1860), from Yokohama to Uraga on JC January 15 and from Uraga to San Francisco, U.S.A. on JC January 19.)
Hawaii - San Francisco - Panama on the USS Powhatan
Sailing the Pacific Ocean 
JC January 18 (WC February 9, 1860, Thursday): Departed from Tsukiji for off Shinagawa, Yokohama, and Hawaii in a 26-day voyage.
JC January 19: Stayed at Yokohama
JC January 21: Stayed at Yokohama
JC January 22, around 8:00 a.m.: Departed from Yokohama
JC February 2 (WC February 23, Thursday): Passed the date line and repeated JC February 2 from here.
JC February 13 (WC March 4, Sunday): Arrived in Honolulu, Hawaii

In Hawaii (stayed for 14 days)

JC February 26 (WC March 17, Saturday): Departed from Hawaii for San Francisco in an 11-day voyage.
March 8 (WC March 28, Wednesday): Arrived in San Francisco. Without calling at the port of San Francisco, visited the U.S. Naval Shipyard on Mare Island, north-northeast of San Francisco Bay, where the Kanrin Maru was being repaired. Reunited and stayed with the Kanrin Maru party.

At San Francisco (stayed for 9 days)
JC March 10 (WC March 31, Saturday): Went to downtown San Francisco by the steamship "Active" and stayed overnight at the International Hotel.
JC March 11 (WC April 1, Sunday): Stayed in San Francisco. 
JC March 12 (WC April 2, Monday): Met with British, French, and Russian consuls, went to City Hall to meet with officials, had a welcome luncheon at the Music School with foreign consuls in attendance, then returned to Mare Island.

JC March 15 (WC April 5, Thursday): Since it will still take time to repair the Kanrin Maru and they were now aware of the situation in the U.S., the escort of the Kanrin Maru to Panama was cancelled. Then the Powhatan parted company with the Kanrin Maru and moved from Mare Island to San Francisco.
JC March 16 (WC April 6, Friday): Stayed in San Francisco
JC March 17 (WC April 7, Saturday): Departed from San Francisco in the evening (18-day voyage to Panama)
(On JC March 18, the Japanese government changed the year of reckoning to the first year of the Man'en era.) 

JC Leap March 4 (WC April 24, Tuesday): Arrived in Panama and took the Panama Railroad to Aspenwall on the Atlantic side without staying on the Pacific side.


 The Kanrin Maru departed San Francisco on JC Leap March 19 (WC May 9) , arrived Hawaii on JC April 4 (WC May 24), departed Hawaii on JC April 7 (WC May 27) and arrived Uraga, Kanagawa Prefecture, on JC May 5 (WC June 22) .

閏三月二十九日(5月19日・土)露公使が昨日の答礼・面会(ホテル) 夕方5時、正副使ホワイトハウス訪問。納涼所で市民500人と面談。
四月  一日(5月21日・月)三公ら博物館見学
四月  二日(5月22日・火)10時、三使らカス国務長官のもとで和文と蘭文の条約批准書を渡し英文と蘭文を受け取る/午後3時オランダ公使を訪ねる
四月  三日(5月23日・水)12時、国会議事堂見学・副大統領(議長?)に面会/夜ホテルで童男童女の舞踊
四月  四日(5月24日・木)10時、国務省で金銀貨幣の件で交渉/午後2時海軍造船所見学/午後8時、金銀貨幣の件で交渉あり
四月  五日(5月25日・金)(従者らは市内で写真撮影)/午後6時、三使らは大統領招待の夕食会〈ホワイトハウス〉
四月  六日(5月26日・土)米議事官(議員?)ら使節を訪問/毎日各地からの訪問者多数面会
四月  七日(5月27日・日)〈市内見物〉
四月  八日(5月28日・月)米事務官とオランダ公使来訪。帰国の行程協議/午後7時半過ぎ天文台見学、月・土星を観察。
四月  九日(5月29日・火)午後、帰国の行程で協議
四月  十日(5月30日・水)金貨の件で米役人来訪し、交渉
四月 十一日(5月31日・木)帰国の行程を協議
四月 十二日(6月 1日・金)帰国の行程を協議
四月 十三日(6月 2日・土)三使をホテル礼拝堂で写真撮影・午後ニューヨーク市の役人来訪/午後2時電気器械見学
四月 十四日(6月 3日・日)休養/(午後市内と留置所見学)
四月 十五日(6月 4日・月)金貨の件で米役人来訪し、交渉
四月 十六日(6月 5日・火)12時、帰国挨拶で大統領官邸、財務省、軍役所、英・仏・露・オランダ公使を表敬訪問
四月 十七日(6月 6日・水)金貨の件で米役人来訪し、交渉/ホワイトハウスへ。別れの挨拶。大統領の像入り記念メダル(三使は金、随員は銀、従者は銅)を贈られる
四月 十八日(6月 7日・木)金貨の件で書翰受け取る
四月 十九日(6月 8日・金)8時にワシントン出発〜10時ボルティモア着〜市内パレード―【ホテル ギルモアハウス】
四月 二十日(6月 9日・土)ボルティモア発〜サスケハナ河を汽車ごとフェリーで渡る〜フィラデルフィア着〜市内パレードー【コンチネンタル ホテル】

四月 二十一日(6月10日・日)休日
四月 二十二日(6月11日・月)ワシントンから使節宛書翰あり
四月 二十三日(6月12日・火)朝8時、米役人がホテルに来訪し面談
四月 二十四日(6月13日・水)朝9時過ぎに造幣局見学、交渉/午後2時過ぎ、造幣局役人が来訪し、交渉
四月 二十五日(6月14日・木)朝8時〜、造幣局で日米金貨の分析実験に立ち会う
四月 二十六日(6月15日・金)

四月 二十七日(6月16日・土)8時、フィラデルフィア発〜(船)〜カムデン〜(汽車)〜アンボイ〜(船・アライダ号)〜午後2時ニューヨーク着(バッテリーパーク〜ブロウドウェイをパレードする大歓迎を受ける―【メトロポリタンホテル】

四月 二十八日(6月17日・日)休日
四月 二十九日(6月18日・月)午後1時、市役所訪問し挨拶/3時、オランダ領事来訪
五月     一日(6月19日・火)(10時「アプルトン書店」で本を購入)/午後ロアノウク号の艦長以下が挨拶に来る
五月     二日(6月20日・水)フランス領事、米軍造船所提督ら来訪面談
五月    三日(6月21日・木)午後1時〜6時、新聞社長邸訪問  午後7時、貿易関係者来訪し面談
五月     五日(6月22日・金)(金貨の書類翻訳)
五月     六日(6月23日・土)(金貨の書類翻訳)
五月     七日(6月24日・日)ハリス公使の親類が来訪
五月     八日(6月25日・月)(学校訪問見学)/午後3時、ペリーの遺族訪問/歓迎大舞踏会
五月     九日(6月26日・火)(9時、盲学校見学)(午後3時、書籍印刷所見学)
五月     十日(6月27日・水)(結婚式見学)
五月   十一日(6月28日・木)午後3時発ーナイアガラ号に乗船

 ■Departed from Aspenwall for Washington on the USS Roanoke.

JC March 6 (WC April 26): Departed from Aspenwall for Washington DC in a 19-day voyage.
JC March 24 (WC May 14, Monday): Arrived in Washington, DC. They satyed at Willard Hotel. 

    In Washington, DC (stayed for 25 days)
JC Leap March 25 (WC May 15, Tuesday): Stayed at the hotel. Hospitality Committee members, Dupont, Lee, and Porter came to greet and discuss with them.
JC Leap March 26 (WC May 16, Wednesday), 12:00 pm: Visited Lewis Cass, the Secretary of State.
JC Leap March 27 (WC May 17, Thursday), 12:00 pm: Visited the White House. Had an audience with President Buchanan and handed him the State Papers. Returned to the hotel at 2:00 p.m. At 8:00 p.m., they were greeted by officials from New York City.
JC March 28 (WC May 18, Friday): Met with the British, French, Dutch, and Belgian Ministers at the hotel. The senior and vice engoys visited the Russian legation and greeted them.
JC Leap March 29 (WC May 19, Saturday): The Russian Minister replied to the envoys' visit on the day before and met them in the hotel. The mission members met with 500 citizens at a summerhouse.
JC Leap March 30 (WC May 20, Sunday): Stayed in the hotel as it was Sunday. In the afternoon, the followers had sightseeing in the city.
JC April 1 (WC May 21, Monday): The three envoys, namely Buzennokami Masaoki Shinmi, Awajinokami Norimasa Muragaki and Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri, and some others visited a museum.
JC April 2 (WC May 22, Tuesday): At 10:00, the three envoys visited Kass, the Secretary of State, to hand over the Japanese and Dutch instruments of ratification of the treaty and received the English and Dutch instruments. At 3 pm, they visited the Minister of the Netherlands.
JC April 3 (WC May 23, Wednesday): At 12:00 pm, had a tour of the Parliament Building and met with the Vice President (or Chairman?) . Watched dancing by boys and girls at the hotel in the evening.
JC April 4 (WC May 24, Thursday): At 10:00 am, negotiated on gold and silver coins at the State Department. At 2:00 pm, visited the Naval Shipyard. At 8:00 pm, negotiated on gold and silver coins.
JC April 5 (WC May 25, Friday) : The followers took photos in the city. At 6:00 p.m., the three envoys were invited to a dinner by the President at the White House.
JC April 6 (WC May 26, Saturday): U.S. Capitol officials (members of Congress?) visited the envoys. They met with many visitors from various parts of the country every day.
JC April 7 (WC May 27, Sunday): Had city tour.
JC April 8 (WC May 28, Monday): U.S. administrative official and Minister of the Netherlands visited them. Discussed the itinerary for returning to Japan. Visited an observatory around 7:30 pm and observed the Moon and Saturn.
JC April 9 (WC May 29, Tuesday): In the afternoon, discussed the itinerary for returning to Japan.
JC April 10 (WC May 30, Wednesday): Visited by U.S. officials to negotiate over gold coins.
JC April 11 (WC May 31, Thursday): Discussed the itinerary for returning to Japan.
JC April 12 (WC June 1, Friday): Discussed the itinerary for returning to Japan.
JC April 13 (WC June 2, Saturday): Had photograph session of the three envoys at the hotel chapel. Visited by New York City officials in the afternoon. Had a tour of electrical equipment at 2:00 pm.
JC April 14 (WC June 3, Sunday): Rest day. In the afternoon, visited the city and a detention center.
JC April 15 (WC June 4, Monday): Visited by U.S. officials to negotiate over gold coins.
JC April 16 (WC June 5, Tuesday): At 12:00 pm, paid a courtesy call on the President's official residence, the Ministry of Finance, the military office, and the British, French, Russian, and Dutch ministers to greet on their return to Japan.
JC April 17 (WC June 6, Wednesday): Visited by U.S. officials regarding gold coins. Went to the White House for negotiations. Farewell address. Presented with commemorative medals bearing the image of the President (gold for the three envoys, silver for the accompanying personnels, and bronze for other attendants).
JC April 18 (WC June 7, Thursday): Received a letter regarding the gold coins.
JC April 19 (WC June 8, Friday): Departed Washington at 8:00 am by train. Arrived at Baltimore at 10:00 am. Had a parade in the city and arrived at Hotel Gilmore House.

    In Baltimore (1 night)
JC April 20 (WC June 9, Saturday): Departed from Baltimore by train, crossed the Susquehanna River by ferry with trains on board and arrived at Philadelphia. Had a city parade and arrived at Continental Hotel. 

   In Philadelphia (6 days stay)

JC April 21 (June 10, Sunday): Holiday
JC April 22 (June 11, Monday): Recieved a letter from Washington to the envoy.
JC April 23 (WC June 12, Tuesday): At 8:00 am, a U.S. official visited and met with him.
JC April 24 (WC June 13, Wednesday): Visited the Mint around 9:00 am and held negotiations. Around 2 pm, officials of the Mint visited them at the hotel and held negotiations.
JC April 25 (WC June 14, Thursday): At 8:00 am, went to the Mint to witness an analysis experiment of Japanese and U.S. gold coins.
JC April 26 (WC June 15, Friday)
JC April 27 (WC June 16, Saturday): At 8:00 am, departed from Philadelphia by ship to Camden, then to Amboy by train, and arrived New York City at 2:00 pm. They received a big welcome at Battery Park, paraded down Broadway and arrived at Metropolitan Hotel.

   In New York (13 days stay)
JC April 28 (WC June 17, Sunday): Holiday
JC April 29 (WC June 18, Monday): At 1:00 pm, visited and greeted at City Hall. At 3:00 pm, visited by the Dutch Consul.
JC May 1 (WC June 19, Tuesday): At 10:00 am, some members of the mission purchased books at Appleton's Bookstore. At noon, captain of the Roanoke and others came to greet them.
JC May 2 (WC June 20, Wednesday): French Consul, Admiral of the U.S. Shipyard, and others visited and met with them.
JC May 3 (June 21, Thursday): From 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm, visited the residence of the newspaper president. At 7:00 pm, visited by trade officials.
JC May 5 (WC June 22, Friday) : (translation of documents on gold coins)
JC May 6 (WC June 23, Saturday) : (translation of documents on gold coins)
JC May 7 (WC June 24, Sunday) : (Visited by relatives of Townsend Harris, the consul general to Japan)
JC May 8 (WC June 25, Monday) : Had a school visit tour. At 3:00 pm, visited the bereaved family of Matthew Calbraith Perry. Attended Welcome Grand Ball.
JC May 9 (WC June 26, Tuesday) : At 9:00 am, visited the School for the Blind. At 3:00 pm, visited a book printing office.
JC May 10 (WC June 27, Wednesday): Had a tour of wedding ceremony.
JC May 11 (WC June 28, Thursday): At 3:00 pm, boarded the USS Niagara to return to Japan.
五月   十二日(6月29日・金)午後1時ニューヨーク港出帆〜
五月 二十八日(7月16日・月)セントヴィンセント島ポルト・グランデ着
五月 二十九日(7月17日・火)滞泊
六月    一日(7月18日・水)ポルト・グランデ発〜
六月  二十日(8月 6日・月)ロアンダ(アンゴラ)着・滞泊9日
六月 二十九日( 8月15日・水)ロアンダ発〜
七月   十日(8月26日・月)〜喜望峰通過〜
八月  十六日(9月30日・土)バタビア(ジャカルタ・インドネシア)港着―滞泊ー
九月   九日(10月22日・月)香港着・滞泊7日
九月  十七日(10月30日・火)香港発〜
九月二十六日(11月 8日・木)〜三浦半島松輪浦
九月二十七日(11月 9日・金)松輪浦〜横浜〜品川沖着
九月二十八日(11月10日・土)下船し帰国上陸   総計276日
  Trip from New York to Luanda, Batavia, Hong Kong, and Japan aboard the USS Niagara

JC May 12 (WC June 29, Friday): At 1:00 pm, sailed from New York Harbor.
JC May 28 (WC July 16, Monday): Arrived at Porto Grande, St. Vincent Island.
JC May 29 (WC July 17, Tuesday): Overnight
JC June 1 (WC July 18, Wednesday): Departed from Porto Grande.
JC June 20 (WC Aug. 6, Monday): Arrived in Luanda (Angola) and stayed there for 9 days.
JC June 29 (WC Aug. 15, Wednesday) Departed from Luanda.
JC July 10 (WC Aug. 26, Monday): Passed the Cape of Good Hope.
JC August 16 (WC September 30, Saturday): Arrived in Batavia (Jakarta, Indonesia) and stayed there for 10 days.
JC August 26 (WC October 10, Wednesday): Departed from Batavia.
JC September 9 (WC October 22, Monday): Arived in Hong Kong and stayed there for 7 days.
JC September 17 (WC October 30, Tuesday): Departed from Hong Kong.
JC September 26 (WC November 8, Thursday): Stayed near the Matsuwaura Bay of the Miura Peninsula.
JC September 27 (WC November 9, Friday): Sailed from Matsurawaura to Yokohama and then arrived off Shinagawa.

JC September 28 (WC November 10, Saturday): Disembarked and returned to Japan. Total 276 days in the trip.

Related Pages


リーフレット『遣米使節三船』・・・教科書から咸臨丸をはずすため(日英語 Japanese-English版です)




遣米使節とアメリカの酪農 …初めてアイスクリームを食べた日本人

Bridge of Hope(English) …JEWL発行の本で小栗上野介の業績紹介
  Journey Around the World: The mission to the United States and the first Japanese to travel around the world, not taught in schools started by the Meiji government.
 Captain Brooke: The Kanrin Maru did not sink thanks to Brooke and John Manjiro.
 President's medals: Gold, silver, and bronze medals were presented to the envoys and all the followers.
 Visiting the course of the mission to U.S. (Hawaii): It also became a trip to learn the history of the fall of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
 Visiting the course of the mission to U.S. (Washington DC): The main gate of the naval shipyard still existed.
 Visiting the course of the mission to U.S. (Philadelphiai): Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri insisted on an experiment to analyze U.S. and Japanese gold coins by full volume analysis.
 Visiting the course of the mission to U.S. (New York): Bypassed Broadway on the way to the hotel.
 Tadamasa Oguri's Currency Negotiations: The currency experiments that made him say "No" in Philadelphia.
 Toshichi Sato, a village master who traveled around the world: Gonda village master traveled around the world as a follower of Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri.
 Sadayu Tamamushi: The world that a Sendai clan samurai saw was fresh.
 Oguri's Followers on the Mission to America: Nine Followers of Tadamasa Oguri
 Miyoshi Gonzo, a follower of Tadamasa Oguri in the mission to the U.S.: He was a Shimane man.
 Tetsuta Kimura's "Kobeiki" (Records of visiting the U.S.)
Achievements of the Japanese mission to the U.S.: Oguri who brought back a screw nail. Reading the "Detailed Drawing of Yokosuka"" We can read from the drawing that Yokosuka was the place of the Industrial Revolution in Japan.
 Three ships for the Japanese mission to the U.S.: The USS Powhatan brought the mission to the U.S. by crossing the Pacific ocean and the Kanrin Maru was not used for the mission.
 Leaflet in Japanese and English, "Three ships for the mission to the U.S.": We made the leaflet to advocate removing the Kanrin Maru from school textbooks.
 The Japanese envoys to the U.S. decided to use the Hinomaru as the national flag: They decided to use the Hinomaru as the national flag of Japan, which was originally a ship's seal.

Regarding the Kanrin Maru
■There have been false theories recently that "Settsunokami Yoshitake Kimura was a deputy envoy" and that "the ship on which the deputy envoy boarded was the Kanrin Maru." Where are the roots of them?
The Kanrin Maru myth created by Shushin textbooks
: A fiction taught by national textbooks

■ Japanese people with the "Kanrin Maru disease": A syndrome that they feel uncomfortable unless they mention the Kanrin Maru and Kaishu Katsu in every occasion
■ Izu Shimoda, the town of the USS Powhatan
■ A letter of thanks to Mr. Hideyuki Okazaki, a model sailing ship artistThanks to him, we have three ships of the mission to the U.S.
■ Tommy Polka: Music of Onojiro Tateishi, a boy interpreter who became very popular in the U.S.
■ Mission to the U.S. and American Dairy Farming: The first Japanese to eat ice cream.
■ Bridge of Hope (English) ...Introduction of Kozukenosuke Oguri's achievements in a book published by JEWL (Japanese Executive Women's League).  

  The first mission to the U.S. and Japan-U.S. exchange (Link)
 List of the Japanese Envoys to the United States
 Shozaburo Okanoya (Follower of Jugoro Tsukahara) (Link)
 Was the Japan-U.S. Treaty of Amity and Commerce, or the so-called Unequal Treaty, really detrimental to Japan? (Link)