HP東善寺>小栗上野介の顕彰 ●● 小栗上野介の顕彰活動 HP Tozenji Temple > Honoring Kozukenosuke Oguri ●● Activities in Honor of Kozukenosuke Oguri |
小栗上野介の顕彰活動 Activities in Honor of Kozukenosuke Oguri |
小栗上野介の顕彰活動は、権田の村人が小栗道子夫人らの会津脱出を護衛し、無事に守り通したことに始まる。その後のお墓建立、お首級(くび)迎え、明治から続いた墓前供養、顕彰慰霊碑建立、胸像建立や、現在の小栗まつりなどはその延長線上の顕彰事業といえます。 The activities in honor of Kozukenosuke Oguri began when the villagers of Gonda escorted Michiko Oguri, who was Kozukenosuke's wife, and her family to Aizu and kept them safe. The subsequent construction of his grave, the welcoming his head to Tozenji Temple, the graveside memorial services that have continued since the Meiji era, the erection of a cenotaph in his honor, the erection of his bust, and the current Oguri Matsuri (Festival) are all extensions of these efforts to honor him. |
顕彰の始まりは 会津脱出行の護衛 The activities in honor of Kozukenosuke Oguri began when 小栗上野介は殺される3日前、形勢不穏を感じて権田村中島三左衛門ら村人に、家族を会津へ避難させることを託した。道子夫人・母堂邦子・養女鉞子(よきこ)らは30名ほどの村人に護られ、権田ー吾妻郡坂上村ー六合(くに)村ー地蔵峠ー秋山郷ー十日町ー新潟、と千辛万苦の苦難の旅を続け、ようやく会津若松に入った。道子は会津戦争さなかに女児を出産し、クニと名づけた。敗戦の翌明治2年早春に会津を発ち、東京ー静岡まで送り届けて村人は、村へ戻った。戻ったとき「乞食同然の姿だった」と言い伝える。これが、権田村の小栗上野介顕彰の始まりである。 Three days before being killed, Kozukenosuke Oguri, sensing the unsettled situation, asked villagers including Sanzaemon Nakajima of Gonda Village to evacuate his family to Aizu. Mrs. Michiko Oguri, his wife, Kuniko Oguri, his mother, and Yokiko, his adopted daughter, were escorted by about 30 villagers on the arduous journey from Gonda to Sakaue village of Azuma-county, Kuni village, Jizo Pass, Akiyamago, Tokamachi, and Niigata, and finally entered Aizu Wakamatsu. Michiko gave birth to a baby girl during the Aizu War and named her Kuni. In early spring of 1869 (2nd year of the Meiji Era), the year after the defeat in the Aizu War, Michiko left Aizu with Kuni, escorted by the Gonda villagers. After escorting them to Tokyo and then Shizuoka, the villagers returned to Gonda. When they returned, however, they looked "as good as beggars," according to a legend. This was the beginning of the Gonda Village's efforts to honor Kozukenosuke Oguri. |
▲ヤマニ(中央の家) 道子夫人らは山田家に三日滞在して旅支度を整え、秋山郷への山道に分け入った ▲ "Yamani" house (the house in the center) Michiko and her family stayed at the Yamada (or nicknamed as "Yamani') house for three days to prepare for their trip, and then entered the mountain road to Akiyamago. |
▲小栗清水 野反池(いま湖)の約3キロ手前で飲んだ清水が、大事に保存されている ▲ "Oguri Fresh Water" The fresh water that Michiko and her family quenched their thirst with about 3 km before Nozori Pond (now a lake) has been carefully preserved. |
▲小栗清水 六合村のボランティアによってきれいに整備されている ▲ Preserving "Oguri Fresh Water" The water is well maintained by volunteers of Kuni Village |
▲野反湖畔 春から、シラネアオイ、レンゲツツジ、キスゲ、マイヅルソウ、コバイケイソウ…たくさんの花が咲く ▲ Lakeside of Nozoriko Lake From spring, many flowers bloom, such as glaucidium palmatum (a kind of mallow), Japanese azalea, kisuge (a kind of hemerocallidoideae), false lily of the valley, Veratrum stamineum. |
▲コマクサ 他の草が生えない酸性土壌地に生える高山植物 地元の中学生が増やし植え付けた ▲ Komakusa (dicentra peregrina) Alpine plant that grows in acid soil where other grasses do not grow. Local junior high school students increased the number of plants and planted them in the wild. |
▲ウラジロヨウラク ドウダンツツジの仲間だが、葉の裏が白い ヨウラクは仏像の飾り物のこと ▲ Urajiro-yohraku (Menziesia multiflora) A member of the dodan azalea family, but the underside of the leaves is white. Yohraku is an ornament for Buddhist statues. |
▲ベニサラサドウダン 花が特別に赤い サラサは細い絞り模様があることから ▲ Beni Sarasa-dodan (Enkianthus campanulatus var. palibinii) Flowers are exceptionally red. "Sarasa" is from its narrow aperture pattern. |
▲おいしいピザ 湖畔に上り詰めた富士見峠花の駅「休憩舎」 「六合っ子ピザ」と「のぞりっ湖ピザ」がおいしい ▲ Tasty Pizza There is "Kyukei-sha (Rest House)" of Fujimi-toge Hana-no-eki at the end of a climb up to the shore of Nozoriko Lake. "Kunikko Pizza" and "Nozorikko Pizza" are delicious! |
▲野反湖 昔は湿地帯の池だった 右手の山に入って秋山郷へ向かった ▲ Nozoriko Lake It used to be a marshy pond. Michiko and her family entered the mountains on the right and headed for Akiyamago. |
▲トウゴクミツバツツジ きれいな山ツツジを楽しむゆとりもなく、道子夫人らは急いだことだろう ▲ Togoku-Mitsuba Tsutsuji (Rhododendron wadanum) Michiko and her family must have hurried without time to enjoy the beautiful azaleas. |
会津戦争で二人戦死 Two Gonda Villagers killed in the Aizu War
小栗忠高の墓 新潟市法音寺に上野介の父忠高の墓があり、忠高の妻邦子、道子夫人らはお参りした後、新潟に迫った西軍に追われるように会津へ急いだ。 大正2年9月に大隈重信夫妻(左)が墓参した。大隈綾子夫人が上野介の従兄妹に当たる縁である。 Grave of Tadataka Oguri, Father of Kozukenosuke The grave of Kozukenosuke's father, Tadataka Oguri, is located at Ho-onji Temple in Niigata City. After visiting the grave, Michiko and others hurried to Aizu as if chased by the Western forces that were approaching Niigata. In September 1913, Shigenobu Okuma and his wife, Ayako, (the couple on the left front of the photo) visited the grave. Ayako Okuma is a cousin of Kozukenosuke. |
熊倉(喜多方市)の墓地 東側正面の桜の下に佐藤銀十郎の墓石がある はるかに残雪の飯豊連峰を望むきれいなところ Cemetery in Kumakura (Kitakata City) Ginjuro Sto's gravestone is under a cherry tree on the east. It is a beautiful place with a view of the Iide mountain range with lingering snow in the distance. |
佐藤銀十郎の墓 喜多方市熊倉の戦いで戦死し、熊倉に墓がある 正面:佐藤銀十郎信一墓 右:本国上野(こうづけ・群馬県) Grave of Ginjuro Sato He was killed in the battle of Kumakura, Kitakata City, and his grave is in Kumakura. Inscription on the front: Tomb of Ginjuro Shin-ichi Sato Inscription on the right: Native of Kozuke Province (today's Gunma prefecture) |
会津で 小栗上野介展と講演会 ◆2005(平成17)年8月17日〜21日 ◆会津若松市文化センターホール ◆講演 17日午後6時30分〜 Kozukenosuke Oguri Exhibition and Lecture in Aizu ◆ August 17 - 21, 2005 ◆ Aizuwakamatsu City Cultural Center Hall ◆◆ Lecture: Starts at 6:30 p.m. |
会津から戻った中島三左衛門らは、小栗上野介父子の首級が館林へ運ばれ首実検の後埋められたままになっているのを奪い返しに行く。法輪寺境内から盗み出し、東善寺裏山の胴体と一緒にした。村人はこれを「お首級(くび)迎え」と言い伝えた。 Welcoming Kozukenosuke Oguri's Head to Tozenji Temple After returning from Aizu, Sanzaemon Nakajima and others went to Tatebayashi to retrieve the heads of Kozukenosuke Oguri and his son, Mataichi, which had been taken to Tatebayashi and left buried after the head examination. They stole them from the precincts of Horin-ji Temple, took them to Gonda village and put them together with the bodies on the hill behind Tozenji Temple. The villagers referred to this as the "welcoming of the lord's head." Reference: Welcoming the head of the load |
小栗まつり <明治以後> 権田の村人は小栗主従が殺された明治以後、墓を立て、毎年の供養を続けてきた。(名称は「小栗まつり」ではなく、○年祭、○年忌などその時によって異なる) <Since the Meiji era (1868-1912)> In the Meiji era after Kozukenosuke Oguri and others were killed, the villagers of Gonda erected the graves and held annual memorial services for him. (The name of the festival was not "Oguri Matsuri" in the beginning, but varied depending on the time of year, such as "Festival in the year of XXXX," "XXth Aniversary," etc.) According to the local journal "Jomo and Jomojin (Jomo Province and Jomo People)," <戦 前> 1917大正6年 小栗上野介50年祭<Before the Second World War> 1917 The 50th anniversary of Kozukenosuke Oguri was held. <戦 後> 1947昭和22年 小栗上州公80年祭<After the Second World War> 1947 The 80th anniversary of Kozukenosuke Oguri was held. <近年の小栗まつり> 従来は招待客と役員を中心とした式典だけだったのをあらため、墓参、講演、発表、アトラクション(演奏など)や昼市を内容とした、誰でも参加できる「まつり」にした。 <Oguri Matsuri (Festival) in recent years> The festival was changed from a ceremony with only invited guests and board members to a "festival" that anyone can participate in, featuring visits to graves, lectures, presentations, attractions (musical performances, etc.), and a lunch market. The festival has been held annually since 1997. → ■ Creating the Oguri Matsuri (Festival)
小栗まつり2005(平17) Oguri Matsuri 2005 小栗まつり2004(平16) Oguri Matsuri 2004 小栗まつり2003(平15) Oguri Matsuri 2003 小栗まつり2002(平14) Oguri Matsuri 2002 小栗まつり2001(平13) Oguri Matsuri 2001 小栗まつり2000(平12)(リンク)Oguri Matsuri 2000 (Link) |
Recitation of "Ishin Mujo (Heartlessness in the Meiji Restoration)"
with performance of the Gunma Mandolin Orchestra