小栗上野介の顕彰(東善寺HP)    お首級(くび)迎え/『海軍の先駆者ー小栗上野介正伝』の錯誤  
Honoring Kozukenosuke Oguri (Tozenji Temple) Welcoming Lord's Head / Errors in the book "Pioneer of the Navy: The Authentic Biography of Kozukenosuke Oguri"   





Honoring Kozukenosuke Oguri
Welcoming the Lord's Head

The heads of Kozukenosuke Oguri and his son were buried in the precincts of a temple in Tatebayashi (in today's Gunma Prefecture) after the heads were examined. In the spring of 1869, farmers of Gonda Village stole the heads from the temple, carried Kozukenosuke's head to Tozenji Temple in Gonda Village and put it together with the body (his son's head will be mentioned about later). The villagers involved called it "Welcoming the Lord's Head."

Oguri's head was sent to Tatebayashi




- In the morning of May 27, 1868 (leap April 6, Keio 4 in Japanese calender), Kozukenosuke Oguri and three of his vassals were beheaded by the western forces of the Tosando Province Governor-General at Mizunuma River Bank on the Karasugawa River. The beheaded heads were pierced with green bamboo and exposed on a roadside bank and a sign reading, "Plotting high treason against the Imperial Court..." was erected, which was a completely innocent charge.

- The temporarily exposed head of Kozukenosuke Oguri was immediately sent to Takasaki. On the following day of May 28, 1868, it was delivered to the Governor-General of Tosando Province in Tatebayashi, together with the head of his adopted son Mataichi Oguri (Kainokami Komai's second son Tadamichi, age 21), who had been beheaded along with three of his retainers in Takasaki Castle on the day. This is supported by a "notification" from the Takasaki clan in the "Dajokan Nisshi" (May, Keio 4), which states, "Oguri Kozukenosuke and his son and weapons are to be escorted to the Governor-General's Office."

- On May 30, 1868 (leap April 9, Meiji 1 in Japanese calender), the heads were examined by Tomosada Iwakura, Governor of Tosando Province, in Tatebayashi Castle, and was temporarily handed over to Taian-ji Temple (now closed). However, since Taian-ji Temple was the ancestral tablet temple of Akimoto, the lord of the Tatebayashi Castle, and did not have a cemetery, the priest was in trouble and asked Myozan Okuda, the priest of Horin-ji Temple, with whom he was close, to bury them in the cemetery west of the temple's main hall.

Horinji Temple, Asahi-cho, Tatebayashi City

Welcoming the Lord's Head

◇中島三左衛門  翌1869明治二年春、会津へ小栗道子夫人護衛隊長として行き、夫人らを会津~東京~静岡まで送り届けて権田村へ戻った。こんどは村人の塚越房吉とともに、殿様の首がないままなのを憂えて、館林へ出かけてゆく。かつて冗談交じりに小栗公が「自分もいつか、井伊大老のように殺されるかもしれないが、死んでも首と胴体は一緒にいたいものだ」と、語ったことばが耳にあった。

◇人見惣兵衛  小栗家の旧領地高橋村

- Sanzaemon Nakajima

In the spring of 1869 (Meiji 2), Sanzaemon Nakajima went to Aizu as the leader of a convoy for Mrs. Michiko Oguri and her family, and returned to Gonda Village after escorting them to Aizu, Tokyo, and Shizuoka. Then, he and Fusakichi Tsukagoshi, a Gonda villager, went to Tatebayashi, worried that the head of the feudal lord Oguri was missing his body. Lord Oguri once jokingly said, "I may be killed someday like Naosuke Ii Tairo (Highest position that assisted the Shogun), but even if I die, I would like to keep my head and body together.

- Sobei Hitomi

Sanzaemon Nakajima obtained the cooperation of Sobei Hitomi, the head of Takahashi Village (today's part of Sano City, Tochigi Prefecture), the former domain of the Oguri family, and his uncle, Chushichi Watanabe of Hosonai (today's part of Tatebayashi City, Gunma Prefecture). The two men went to Horinji Temple, told the priest, "The first anniversary of the lord's death is coming up, so we want to build a grave," and found out where the head was buried.

After failing once to steal it, they succeeded a second time and brought it back to Gonda Village, where it was worshipped by a very few villagers and buried in a grave where Oguri's body was buried on the hill behind Tozenji Temple. The head of Mataichi Oguri was given to Tonazo Taguchi, the village headman of Shimosaida Village (in today's Takasaki City), a former domain of the Oguri family, who had previously taken possession of Mataichi's body, and was buried along with the body in the Shimosaida Village cemetery.

◇渡辺忠七  「館林市誌・歴史篇」(昭和44年)によると、盗掘の手引きをしたかどで館林藩に捕らえられた渡辺忠七が「答書(釈明書)」を書いて放免されている。



Welcoming the Lord's Head: Route from Hosonai to Horinji Temple (by Shigeo Tanaka of the "Association for Rebuilding Tatebayashi Castle")

- Chushichi Watanabe

According to "Tatebayashi City Magazine, History" (1969), Chushichi Watanabe was arrested by the Tatebayashi clan for helping to steal Oguri's head, but was released after writing an "answer (explanation)."

I introduced the following three related ancient documents in Kozukenosuke Oguri Memorial Society's journal "Tatsunami" No. 42:
Chushichi's written answer: The full text of Chushichi's written explanation after being interrogated by the Tatebayashi clan is included, which states, for example, "Two villagers from Gonda came to me wanting to build a grave."
(2) A painstaking letter written by Chushichi's son, Kakusaburo: It says that after the burglary, two villagers of Gonda were given "one sender" to carry it away. In Gonda village, it is said that "Masagoro Inaoka of Takahashi Village, who also helped with the digging, accompanied the villagers to Gonda" ("Jomo and Jomojin" No. 70), so the "one sender" was probably Inaoka. (For details, see "Kozukenosuke Oguri" published by Miyama Bunko.)  
(3) Story about
Kozukenosuke Oguri  

The villagers of Gonda, who were involved in the theft, have secretly passed this incident down to the next generations as the "Welcoming Lord's Head" incident.

◇小栗国子  中島らの「お首級迎え」は、小栗道子夫人や母堂邦子らを守って会津へ逃れ、会津戦争さなかに生まれた遺児国子も護って、会津戦争後の明治二年そうそうに、会津から東京~静岡まで送り届けて帰郷したあと、再び館林へ出かけて行なった義挙であった。


- Kuniko Oguri  Nakajima and his group's "Welcoming Lord's Head" was an act of righteousness. They protected Mrs. Michiko Oguri, her mother in law Kuniko and others from Gonda to Aizu and, in 1869 (Meiji 2) after the Aizu War, escorted them including Oguri's only child, Kuniko, born during the war (this "Kuniko" has different Kanji characters from those of "Kuniko," Oguri's mother) to Tokyo and Shizuoka. They then returned to Gonda, and went to Tatebayashi to perform the act of welcoming Lord's Head.

Oguri's daughter Kuniko later left Shizuoka for Tokyo with her mother Michiko and they were taken into the custody of Rizaemon Minomura. When Minomura died, Kuniko came of age under the protection of Shigenobu Okuma and his wife, and with the help of Hisoka Maejima she took Sadao Yano (younger brother of writer Ryukei Yano) in marriage and they took over the Oguri family.

The main grave where the head of Kozukenosuke Oguri is buried (Tozenji Temple)
It is located 3 minutes walk up the mountain from the memorial graves
of Kozukenosuke Oguri, his son and the retainers.

Here and there, "Oguri's head is here..."

◇供養  村人は明治新政府の管理下にあるものを盗んできたわけだから、やたら口外せずに,関係した子から孫にのみ言い伝えて供養を続けてきた。私(村上泰賢)が子供のころ、毎年4月6日になると「お殿様のご命日だからこれをお供えして…」と、塚越太源治(石塔を作った塚越源忠の孫・権田字押平おしんたいら住)が重箱に赤飯をつめて、お参りにきた。


- Memorial service for Kozukenosuke Oguri

Since the villagers had stolen the heads under the control of the new Meiji government, they did not talk about them, but only told the children and grandchildren of those involved and continued to hold mamorial service for Oguri.

When I (Taiken Murakami) was a child, every April 6, Tagenji Tsukagoshi (grandson of Genchu
Tsukagoshi, the builder of the stone pagodas) of Oshintaira area of Gonda Village, would come to the temple with a stacked box filled with festive red rice, saying, "This is the anniversary of the lord Oguri's death, so I'd like to make an offering."

In the late 1950s, Tagenji confided one secret story to Shoken Murakami, the chief priest at the time, saying, "My grandfather and parents were very strict about not telling others about it, but I think it's safe now." According to Tagenji, Genchu Tsukagoshi later told the following story about the time when he, Sanzaemon Nakajima and Fusakichi Tsukagoshi buried the stolen head in Oguri's grave at Tozenji Temple. "When we dug up the body mound, we found the wooden head that had been attached to the body tilted up to the shoulder. I took it out and put the real head on, and cried out, 'I am sorry for your loss, but I hope you can rest in peace now.'"

Later, my predecessor Shoken Murakami said, "Tagenji is a very solid person." He was deeply moved by the fact that Tagenji had finally opened his mouth nearly 20 years after WWII.

◇首塚  昭和のはじめ、「水沼河原にさらされた首を家来(武笠銀介)が盗んできてここに埋めた」と称して


- Kubizuka (Mounds where the heads of the dead of war and executioners are buried.)

Fumon-in Temple Theory: In the early Showa period (1926-1989), Dozan Abe, the chief priest of Fumon-in Temple in Saitama Prefecture, built a "kubizuka (head mound)" in 1934, claiming that "Kozukenosuke Oguri's retainer (Ginsuka Takegasa) had stolen Oguri's head from the Mizunuma Riverbank and buried it here." In 1941, Abe wrote a book titeled "Pioneer of the Navy: Oguri Kozukenosuke Shoden (The Authentic Biography of Kozukenosuke Oguri)" and publicized it extensively before the war.

Shimosaida Village Theory: There is a theory that people from Shimosaida village (Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture) stole the head from the temple in Tatebayashi.

◇太政官日誌 いずれも共通するのは、「水沼河原からさらし首になっているのを盗んできた」と言っていたのが、1937昭和12年に
と記述されているのが館林の歴史家によって確認され、しだいにそれが広まって「普門院説」「下斉田説」は話のつじつまが合わなくなった。 (HP「太政官日誌」1868慶応4年25号フルテキスト

- Dajokan Nisshi (Grand Council of State Diary)

What these theories have in common is that they originally said that they had stolen the exposed heads from Mizunuma River Bank. However, in 1937, a Tatebayashi historian confirmed that the "Dajokan Nisshi" stated that "the heads of Kozukenosuke and his son were sent to the Governor-General's Office (in Tatebayashi at that time) by the Takasaki clan." This gradually spread, and the theories became inconsistent.  ("Dajokan Nisshi," 1868 Keio 4, No. 25, full text)

Then, the theories were changed to "It was stolen from Tatebayashi" (Fumon-in pamphlet, 2013) or "They cut his hair in Takasaki and delivered it to a temple (Fumon-in) before transporting it to Tatebayashi...so it is not a head mound but a mound of his dead hair." (Masao Kono, Secret Stories about Kozukenosuke Oguri). In other words, the theories have in common that the content of the stories is opportunistic and inconsistent, that there are no historical records or traditions to support the independent actions, and that there are no concrete stories passed down to the descendants of those who are said to have been involved, nor any actions taken to pass on the memorial service.

◇史実と作られた伝承の違い  恩義ある人の首を運んでこっそり埋めた場合、他人に口外しなくても子孫にだけは供養を絶やさないよう固く言い伝えるのが、運んで埋めた人の誠意であろう。お赤飯を供え続けた太源治の行動(上述)はまさにその姿である。史実と作られた伝承の違いがここに見えてくる。

- The difference between historical fact and fabricated folklore

If someone carries and secretly buries the head of a person to whom he is indebted, it would be in good faith for the person who carried and buried the head to firmly tell his descendants to continue to make offerings, even if he does not tell others. This is exactly what Togenji Tsukagoshi did when he continued to offer festive red rice to Oguri's grave (above-mentioned). Here we can see the difference between historical fact and fabricated folklore.


(Extracted from and added to "Rekishi Dokuhon,"
November 1996 issue, Taiken Murakami, "Welcoming Oguri's Head")


As described above, the heads of Kozukenosuke Oguri and his son were safely buried together with their bodies. However, in 1941, "Pioneer of the Navy: Oguri Kozukenosuke Shoden (The Authentic Biography of Kozukenosuke Oguri" was published, which contained statements that were contrary to historical facts. Even today, we sometimes see texts written believing them. Therefore, I have summarized below the parts of the book that are inconsistent with historical facts.

1941昭和16年発行  阿部道山著『海軍の先駆者―小栗上野介正傳』
海軍の先駆者―小栗上野介正傳』の錯誤 について

Errors in the book, "Pioneer of the Navy: Kozukenosuke Oguri Shoden (authentic biography)"
Published in 1941 and written by Dozan Abe




This book was published in 1941 and written by Dozan Abe, the chief priest at the time of Fumon-in Temple, Saitama Prefecture, to recognize and honor the achievements of Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri as a "pioneer of the navy," when the tendency to regard Kozukenosuke Oguri as a traitor remained strong since the Meiji period.

The book is a powerful work, a result of careful research and examination of related books by previous scholars, and is a landmark at the time, and a courageous publication that honors a man whose achievements had been considered treasonous by the Meiji government and had been erased from the public consciousness.  

Regrettably, however, the book contains fundamental errors which diminish the value of the book, such as:  
"The family temple of the
Oguri family is Fumon-in Temple."
"Kozukenosuke Oguri's head is buried at Fumon-in Temple."

Furthermore, perhaps to reinforce the illusion, some parts of the book attempt to improve the relative image of Fumon-in by writing "Slanderous statements against Gonda Village and Tozenji Temple." That is unfortunate.

Since we still find articles and websites that seem to have been written based on the errors in this book, we point out some of the errors below. I hope you will refer to them when presenting your work on the burial of Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri's head. 

                           (The responsibility for the following text lies with Taiken Murakami.
復刻『小栗上野介正傳』 が刊行されました 
Reprint of "Kozukenosuke Oguri Shoden (authentic biography)" has been published
Matsuno Shoten, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan - The sale ended in July, 2013.


   This book was reprinted and published by Matsuno Shoten in a limited edition of 300 pre-printed copies, and Taiken Murakami wrote the "Commentary" upon request.


In the book, I have pointed out the following errors (cited in blue).

* Pages in the text indicate reprinted pages.
    Family temple of the Kozukenosuke Oguri family

「小栗家の菩提寺(あるいは菩提所)の普門院」 とある。


In about 20 places in the book, there are references to "Fumon-in is the family temple of the Oguri family."

In Fumon-in Temple, there is the grave of Tadamasa Oguri, the fourth generation of the Oguri family (*Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri was the twelfth generation of the Oguri family. The kanji characters for "Tadamasa" are different between the fourth and twelfth generations). However, all the other "Tombs of Oguri XX" at Fumon-in Temple are the graves of the successive generations of the Niemon Nobuyoshi Oguri family, who was the second son of Tadamasa Oguri (the second generation) and was a collateral family. 

The family temple of the Oguri family is Hozenji Temple (Nakano Ward, formerly Ushigome Ward, Tokyo), a Soto sect temple, as stated in the "Kansei-Choshu-Shokafu" as "Hozenji Temple is the place of burial" for Masanobu Oguri (the fifth generation of the family) and later generations. (Note: "Kansei-Choshu-Shokafu" is a collection of family histories of feudal lords and hatamoto compiled by the Edo shogunate during the Kansei era.).

    The Station Pole at the entrance of Fumon-in Temple: "Graves of Tadamasa (the fourth generation) Oguri family"


After the Meiji era (1868-1912), the head family of Oguri families adopted Shinto funeral service, so they moved away from Hozenji Temple and established a cemetery in Zoshigaya Cemetery.  

Tozenji Temple, which is far from Edo, is not a "family temple of the Oguri family," although it is associated with the fifth generation Masanobu Oguri as the founder of the temple. It happened to be the family temple of Kozukenosuke Oguri and his son, who were beheaded in this area and buried at the temple.

    Partial Omission in the Oguri Family Tree

小栗上野介家家系図  P22



On page 22 of the book, the family tree of the Kozukenosuke Oguri family is shown up to the following four generation:

 1st generation - Tarozaemon Nobuyoshi Matsudaira
 2nd generation - Tadayoshi Matsudaira
 3rd generation - Yoshitada Oguri
 4th generation - Tadamasa Oguri ... buried in Fumon-in temple

However, 5th generation Masanobu Oguri, who was buried at Hozenji Temple, and subsequent generations are not listed. Dozan Abe wrote that this description was based on "Kansei-Choshu-Shokafu." If that is the case, it means that he was aware that the "Kansei-Choshu-Shokafu" mentions "Hozenji Temple (formerly in Ushigome Ward, now in Nakano Ward) as the place of burial" for Masanobu Oguri 5th generation and later generations, but he omitted this information in this book. What is the reason for this omission?

"Fumon-in is the family temple of the Oguri family" is written in about 20 places throughout the book, and in the genealogy on this page, "buried in Fumon-in" is written in the explanation of Tadamasa IV, omitting Masanobu Oguri 5th generation and after, which gives an illusion that the fifth generation and after were buried in Fumon-in, since general readers would not check in "Kansei-Choshu-Shokafu." It may be seen as an omission intended to create the illusion that "Fumon-in is the family temple of the Kozukenosuke Oguri family" through arbitrary selection of historical documents.


      Burial place of the head of Kozukenosuke Oguri



検証 1 

"Kozukenosuke Oguri's retainer Ginsuka Takegasa stole Oguri's head from the Mizunuma Riverbank, carried it to Fumon-in Temple and buried it in the cemetery." (Pages of 6, 162, 185, 360 and 363)

However, the historical facts are as follows: Ginsuke Takegasa followed Mataichi Oguri, the adopted son of Kozukenosuke Oguri, to Takasaki, and on May 29, 1868 (leap April 7, Keio 4), the day after Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri was beheaded, Mataichi Oguri and three other retainers were beheaded in the Takasaki castle, but Takegasa was pardoned at the age of 16 and informed his father Yuzaemon Takegasa in Edo of the sudden deaths of his lord and retainers. Even if Ginsuke Takegasa had returned from Takasaki to Gonda Village, where the Western Army was still disposing of the family property taken from the Oguri family, there was no room for intervention by Ginsuke, who had just escaped beheading, since Kozukenosuke Oguri's head had been brought into Takasaki Castle by the Takasaki clan the previous day.

In 1937 (Showa 12), Keisuke Fukuda, the director of the library in Tatebayashi, discovered an entry in the "Dajokan Nisshi (Diary of the Grand Council of State)" that states, "The heads of the Kozukenosuke Oguri and his son were sent to the Governor-General (Tatebayashi) for examination," which completely disproved the Fumon-in theory.


…上野介父子首級并武器類ハ総督府へ護送仕候…」 このころ東山道鎮撫総督府は館林に移っていた。

Dajokan Nisshi (Diary of the Grand Council of State): "The heads of Kozukenosuke and his son and their weapons are to be escorted to the Governor-General's Office."
The Governor-General's Office of the Tosando Province had been moved to Tatebayashi at this time.       
 ("Dajokan Nisshi," Keio 4, No. 25, full text)

検証 2 高崎藩士
『島田弥七郎日記』  ・中村茂氏(高崎市史編纂専門委員)提供2023令和5年9月

 「閏四月 十二日 己未 晴ル 
一 上野介倅又一 右首級并武器等三藩之御人数為警固 総督御本陣館林迄罷越 引渡相済罷帰候旨 御徒士小頭兼太郎并一之助・栄七・斧太郎届出候事」
 (閏四月十二日 晴れ 小栗上野介と倅又一の首級及び武器などを三藩(高崎・安中・吉井藩)の勢が警護して東山道総督府が置かれている館林まで出かけ、引き渡しを済ませて戻った旨御徒士小頭の兼太郎并一之助・栄七・斧太郎から届け出があった)

About the Kubizuka at Fumon-in Temple

(Note*: A kubizuka is a mound where the heads of those killed in battle, those taken captive, or those beheaded are laid to rest.)


・徳富蘇峰は昭和8年に普門院を訪問し(昭和8年5月10日、東京日々新聞夕刊 by石原戒造 『小栗上野介を偲ぶ』マネジメント社昭和9年刊)


The kubizuka still standing at Fumon-in Temple was erected in 1934 (Showa 9) by Sadao Oguri (son-in-law of the deceased Kuniko Oguri and brother of the writer Ryukei Yano) at the recommendation of Master Dosan Abe. However, Professor Natsuo Shirayanagi of Senshu University wrote in "Kozukenosuke Oguri Ibun (Untold Stories about Kozukenosuke Oguri)" (Senshu University Articles No.43 1987) verified that "before 1934 (Showa 9), it was a small earthen mound (P358), and the mound was made between May 1932 and May 1933, and before that, there was nothing."


               A stone called "Kubizuka" (in the precincts of Fumon-in Temple)



The villagers of Gonda, who stole the heads of Kozukenosuke Oguri and his son from Tatebayashi, have continued to make offerings, telling their children and grandchildren only that "as long as the heads are with the bodies, it is all right" since they had stolen something under the control of the Meiji government. (The following, I repeat, is the part where the villagers' feelings toward Kozukenosuke appear.)

When I (Taiken Murakami) was a child, every year on April 6, Tagenji Tsukagoshi came to Tozenji Temple with a stacked box filled with festive red rice, saying, "This is the anniversary of the Lord's death, so please offer this to the Lord Oguri. Tagenji is a grandson of Genchu Tsukagoshi, who built the tombstones of Kozukenosuke Oguri and his retainers, and who was unable to participate in the "Welcoming Lord's Head" robbery in Tatebayashi due to physical problems after returning from Aizu.

In the late 1950s, Tagenji confided one secret story to Shoken Murakami, the chief priest at the time, saying, "My grandfather and parents were very strict about not telling others about it, but I think it's safe now. According to Tagenji, Genchu Tsukagoshi later told the following story about the time when he, Sanzaemon Nakajima and Fusakichi Tsukagoshi buried the stolen head in Oguri's grave at Tozenji Temple. "When we dug up the body mound, we found the wooden head that had been attached to the body tilted up to the shoulder. I took it out and put the real head on, and cried out, 'I am sorry for your loss, but I hope you can rest in peace now.'"

Shoken Murakami, the former chief priest of Tozenji Temple, had heard from other villagers that the head had been taken from the temple in Tatebayashi and placed with the body in the grave at Tozenji. However, he was deeply impressed that the descendants of those directly involved had finally opened their mouths after nearly 20 years had passed since WWII, saying, "Tagenji is a very solid person."

It could be said that the villagers had felt such a strong pressure from the government to erase Kozukenosuke Oguri's achievements since the Meiji era.



"In Takasaki, there is a prominent local historian, Mr. Toyokuni, who has been making efforts for more than 20 years to promote the memory of the great Kozukenosuke Oguri. The people of Gunma are grateful for the efforts made by such a devoted person to promote the legacy of Kozukenosuke in the land of his unforgettable vengeance." (Page 188)

The man Toyokuni whom Abe praises is Gakudo Toyokuni (chief priest of Chozenji Temple in Ohgo Town), editor and publisher of "Jomo and Jomojin," a valuable local magazine in Gunma Prefecture before World War II. Toyokunki was praised by Abe for his efforts in researching Kozukenosuke Oguri.             




However, Toyokuni, who was praised, conversely questioned the fact that Prime Minister Keisuke Okada, who believed in the Fumon-in theory, had visited Fumon-in (Jomo and Jomojin, No. 220, 1935 Showa 10). In 1937, Toyokuni introduced the discovery by Tatebayashi Library Director Keisuke Fukuda of an entry in the Dajokan Nisshi that "the heads of Kozukenosuke Oguri and his son were sent to Tatebayashi," and stated, "It is nothing short of a joy to see the phony style of the past suddenly unmasked (Jomo and Jomojin, No. 244, August 1937), dismissing the theory that the head of Kozukenosuke Oguri was buried in Fumon-in as "bogus."

      Dominions of the Kozukenosuke Oguri Family




(千葉県芝山町)      152石
(多古町)        117石
 同  堀内村、大川村、田部村
(香取市ほか) 156石
(栃木県佐野市)    1354石
(高崎市)          375石
  同  下斉田村
(高崎市)            170石
  同  与六部
(よろくぶ)(玉村町)      88石

  同 多野郡森村
(藤岡市)         56石
  同   小林村
(藤岡市)        100石


In this book, the following is written as the dominions of the Kozukenosuke Oguri family, but it is all incorrect:
"Ohnari Villate in Bushu (where Fumon-in is located), Ohra in Kozuke Province (today's Gunma Prefecture), and
Tago in Kozuke Province..." (page 1)

The main dominions of the Oguri Family while Kozukenosuke was the family head were as follows:

Inaba Village, Musa County, Kazusa Province (today's Shibayama Town, Chiba Prefecture): 152 koku
Gotanda Village, Katori County, Shimousa Province (today's Tako Town, Chiba Prefecture): 117 koku  
Horiuchi, Okawa, and Tabe villages, Katori County, Shimousa Province (today's Katori City, Chiba Prefecture, etc.): 156 koku
Takahashi and Onumada villages in Shimotsuke Province (today's Sano City, Tochigi Prefecture): 1,354 koku
Gonda Village, Gunma County, Kozuke Province (today's part of Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture): 375 koku   
Shimosaida Village, Gunma County, Kozuke Province (today's part of Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecturey): 170 koku   
Yorokubu Village, Gunma County, Kozuke Province today's (Tamamura Town, Gunma Prefecture): 88 koku

After returning from the Japanese mission to the U.S., the following villages were added:
Mori Village, Tano County, Kozuke Province (today's Fujioka City, Gunma Prefecture): 56 koku   
Kobayashi Village, Tano County, Kozuke Province (today's Fujioka City, Gunma Prefecture): 100 koku

There were some other minor locations, totaling 2,700 koku at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate. As you can see her, Ohnari Village in Bushu, where Fumon-in is located, is not included.

      The man who beheaded Kozukenosuke Oguri

「これで小栗を斬ったのですか、と私は問ふた。(原)はうむと、一言云ったきりだ…」 P171


"I asked him if he had beheaded Oguri. Hara onloy groaned "Hmmm.'" (Page 171)

The person who killed Kozukenosuke Oguri was traditionally said to be Yasutaro Hara (Refer to “Political Strife Before and After the Restoration and the Death of Kozukenosuke Oguri” by Arata Ninagawa). However, this is not accurate, and it is impossible for a person in overall command as military commander of the Tosando Army to directly act as beheader. According to "Tragedy of the Kozukenosuke Oguri Clan" by Ryohei Koitabash, Oguri researcher, the truth is that Gorosaku Asada, a kachimetsuke* of the Annaka Clan, was ordered to do the beheading.

(Note*: Kachimetsuke is a position in the Edo shogunate. Under the direction of the metsuke, the post was in charge of keeping watch in the Edo Castle, supervising the arrival of feudal lords at the castle, and scouting for the offices of various officials of the shogunate.)

      About "Villagers turned into bandits..."

・「権田の村民が上野介を囲み掠奪したとあるが……」 P173



「・・・。慶応四辰年三月四日朝、賊徒博徒を頭取に、隣村々の百姓加勢して、権田村八方を取囲み、八方より攻め寄せ、鉄砲竹槍大刀鎗棒皆夫々の道具を携、時の声を上げて攻寄せ、百姓與右衛門浅五郎治平忠兵衛源七市助八兵衛甚右衛門徳右衛門徳兵衛善四郎の十一戸外に、堂二棟に火を掛け、焼払ふに依り、小栗殿主従も拠なく、鉄砲抜刀を持て、八方追払に掛る、凡そ六千餘人の徒党直に逃去り、一陣地宮原源兵衛宅本陣故、是を焼払、宮原は大集合地故、五軒皆焼払、追散、手向者源兵衛、市右衛門首打取、其外六人切捨、引続て川浦村岩氷村水沼村三ノ倉村へ使者を以て尋問す、今日の仕業、何の意趣遺恨有哉否哉、速に答辯為すべき旨を談示する所、各村一同、無法の申訳なく、詫を来たし依って和解となるなり・・・」(「権田村の長老某氏の保有する古文書」・蜷川新『維新前後の政争と小栗上野の死』日本書院昭和三年 p104)
…賊徒博徒を頭にして隣の村々の百姓が加勢し、権田村を八方から取り囲んで鉄砲・竹槍・刀・鎗などを武器にして攻めかけ、権田村の農家11軒とお堂2軒に放火した。小栗主従もやむなく鉄砲や刀で追払いにかかった。六千人ほどの徒党はすぐに逃げ去り、(東善寺の川向うの)宮原の源兵衛宅が本陣になっていたので、これを焼払い、さらに宮原は大勢が集合した場所だったから、5軒を焼き払った。手向った源兵衛・市右衛門の首を打取り、其他6人を切り捨てた。・・・」(意訳:村上泰賢) 昭和12年に類焼火災で焼失したが「焼ける前の本堂の正面の柱には、撃たれた鉄砲玉の跡がいくつもあった…」と土地の古老が言い伝えていた。

権田の村民が盗賊化」は 『小栗上野介正傳』という書名にふさわしくない、重大な錯誤といえよう。そして以下の記述はこの錯誤を基に展開されていると考えられる。

"While Kozukenosuke Oguri was retreating to Gonda, the villagers turned into bandits and attacked him. ......" (Page 50)
"Gonda villagers surrounded Kozukenosuke and plundered him. ......" (Page 173)

Taking advantage of the state of anarchy at the end of the Edo period and during the Meiji Restoration, a riotous revolt called the "Buchikowashi Riots" broke out at the instigation of gamblers, who entered Jyoshu from the Chichibu area (today's part of Saitama Prefecture), chanting "get out of debt" and "reform the world." The Oguri family arrived at Tozenji Temple in Gonda Village on March 24, 1868 (March 1, Keio 4), and the rioters followed them to the neighboring village of Sannokura, 4 km downstream along the Karasugawa River, the next day.

Oguri's vassals went out to negotiate, but negotiations broke down as they demanded a large amount of money and goods. Two days later on March 27 (March 4th, Keio 4) about 2,000 people stormed Gonda village, threatening and inciting neighboring villages. Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri commanded his vassals and the farmers of Gonda Village to repel the attack (Oguri Diary, Gunma Prefectural Archives). It was not the Gonda villagers who turned into a mob. Rather, some houses in Gonda Village were attacked by rioters and set on fire. The rioters who attacked Gonda Village were neighboring villagers who were intimidated and incited by the gamblers.

This is a serious error that is not worthy of the title "Kozukenosuke Oguri Shoden (authentic biography)." The following description is based on this error.

      The descriptions of "ungrateful villagers" and "atrocious people"  

「権田の人々のとった旧主を思はざる忘恩的態度が、いたく小栗家の遺族の胸を打ったらしい。上野介の一子国子さんのごときも、一生権田の東善寺には行かないと云はれたさうである」 P32


「蜷川博士からその後丁寧なお礼の書翰に接した。やはり権田の人々の忘恩的徒輩を憎んでをられる旨を記してあった」 P188

(顕彰慰霊碑のこと)が流される。最近では権田村の東善寺が突如焼失してしまった。それやこれやで一切止めると云ふ意味の文書でした、と中将は云はれた…」 P343

・「道子夫人は…群馬の権田の人々は実に旧主の恩を知らざる非道の人であると歎かれ、再び権田には行かないと云はれ生涯権田には行かなかったそうである。又東善寺、上野介の蟄居(ちっきょ)した寺院に対しても好感が持てないと歎じてゐたと云はれる」 P386

"The ungrateful attitude of the people of Gonda toward their former lord disheartened the bereaved families of the Oguri family. It is said that even Kuniko, Kozukenosuke's only child, said that she would never visit Tozenji Temple in Gonda for the rest of her life." (Page 32)

"Gonda Village in Gunma was the place that Mrs. Michiko (Oguri) hated the most. Sadao Oguri heard from his wife Kuniko that Gonda was the place of Kozukenosuke's death, but Mrs. Michiko believed that Kozukenosuke met his fate because the ungrateful villagers snitched on him to the Takasaki clan as if he were a traitor. (Page 187)

"Dr. Ninagawa later sent me a polite thank-you letter. He wrote that he still hated the ungrateful people of Gonda." (Page 188)

"I am concerned that there is something ominous about the Oguri exaltation movement in Gunma. First, the Karasugawa River monument was washed away. Recently, Tozenji Temple in Gonda Village was suddenly destroyed by fire. The document was meant to stop all such things, the lieutenant general said..." (Page 343)

"Mrs. Michiko lamented that the people of Gonda in Gunma were indeed ungrateful and unjust to their former lord, and she said that she would never go to Gonda again and never did. She is also said to have lamented that she did not have a favorable impression of Tozenji Temple, where Kozukenosuke temporarily resided." (Page 386)


It may be that the author was so enthusiastic about honoring Kozukenosuke Oguri that his writing slipped based on the misunderstanding and misconception of the "Uchikowashi Sodo (A form of popular movement during the Edo period that involved the destruction of houses and other property of those deemed to have committed wrongdoing)." However, I cannot help but feel a sense of wonderment at the persistent and even harmful intent that one can only assume is intended to create a negative image of Gonda Village.    

If you read carefully, you will notice that every sentence is written in the hearsay form of someone else's words, "Mr. XX said...". Hearsay is a convenient style when one can escape responsibility by saying, "It was not me who said this, I heard it from Ms. XX...," but even if it is what one has heard, one cannot escape the responsibility of having chosen to write about it without showing any evidence.

    Villagers Protecting Mrs. Michiko Oguri - An Act of Gratuitousness




Three days before Kozukenosuke Oguri was killed by the Western forces, the villagers of Gonda began to protect Mrs. Michiko Oguri, Kozukenosuke's mother Kuniko and others fleeing from Gonda and they arrived in Aizu a few weeks later. Some of the villagers later joined the Aizu forces to fight and two young men among them were killed in battle in Kitakata City (Kumakura and Takago).  

Sanzaemon Nakajima and other villagers protected Michiko and her family through the winter during and after the Boshin War in Aizu. In the spring of 1869 (Meiji 2), they sent Michiko and her family including newborn Kuniko, only child between Kozukenosuke and Michiko, to Aizu, Tokyo, and Shizuoka and, after that, the villagers returned to Gonda. Nakajima and another villager then went to Tatebayashi, stole the heads of Kozukenosuke Oguri and his son, Mataichi, and buried the Kozukenosuke's head in the grave on the grounds of Tozenji Temple.

These historical facts were described in Arata Ninagawa's best-selling book, “Political Strife Before and After the Restoration and the Death of Kozukenosuke Oguri” published in 1928 (Showa 3) and Ninagawa praised the actions of the Gonda Villagers, saying, "The loyalty of the people who accompanied Mrs. Oguri in those days...." Abe also lists this book as a "reference book," so he must have been aware of it.

It is a deliberate misreading of the book to ignore the stories that are not convenient for creating a negative image of Gonda Village and Tozenji Temple, and to denigrate them as "ungrateful and inhumane" is intentionally misguided.  

Gonda locals, whose ancestors escorted Michiko and her family to Aizu, have endured this baseless insult for 70 years, and the old-timers have hoped to "somehow counteract this ludicrous statement with a true story."

      Exchange between Gonda villagers and the Oguri family

1917大正6年 東善寺での小栗公50年祭に出席した小栗又一(国子の息子=忠順の孫・19歳)
 「…上野介の一子国子さんのごときも、一生権田の東善寺には行かないと云はれたさうである」 P32


In fact, the exchange between Gonda villagers and the Oguri family continued after the Meiji era. Mataichi Oguri (Kuniko's son = Kozukenosuke's grandson, age 19) attended the 50th anniversary of the Lord Oguri at Tozenji Temple in 1917 (Taisho 6), where he said in his speech, "The mountains and rivers of Gonda and the mercy of the villagers are the same as in the past, and I am grateful to see my grandfather's memorial service held..."

Abe wrote, "even Kuniko, Kozukenosuke's only child, said that she would never visit Tozenji Temple in Gonda for the rest of her life" (Page 32) and "Gonda Village in Gunma was the place that Mrs. Michiko (Oguri) hated the most. Sadao Oguri heard from his wife Kuniko that ..." (Page 187). However, if Kuniko, Mataichi's mother, disliked Gonda as Abe says, it is inconceivable that Mataichi, the grandson of Kozukenosuke Oguri, would have come to Gonda and given such a greeting.

たとえば  1939昭和14年正月に又一(上記の忠順の孫)未亡人の菊子夫人は市川亭三郎(後に権田小学校長)宛年賀ハガキに次のように書いている。

○昭和十四年元旦 ハガキ  市川亭三郎先生  小栗菊子 忠人(板橋区板橋町)





存じ上候 当方忠人もおかげ様を以て丈夫にて





御自愛遊ばしますやうに祈り上候 かしこ

- For example, on New Year's Day in 1939 (Showa 14), Mrs. Kikuko, widow of Mataichi Oguri (grandson of Kozeukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri), wrote the following on a New Year's postcard addressed to Teizaburo Ichikawa (who later became the principal of Gonda Elementary School) of Gonda Village:

Postcard, New Year's Day, 1939, To Mr. Teizaburo Ichikawa, From Kikuko Oguri and Tadato Oguri (Itabashi-machi, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo)

Happy New Year!  New Year's Day, Taisho 14)* (Note*: "Taisho 14" is a mistake and "Showa 14" or 1939 is correct.)

I am deeply grateful for your New Year's greeting card. I am very happy to hear that you and your family are in good health. Thanks to your kindness, my son Tadato is in good health. He is now seven years old and in the prime of his life. His father has passed away, and my son has few relatives whom he can truly trust, so I humbly ask for your kind guidance in the future. I pray that you will take good care of yourself in this cold season. 


It was two years later, in 1941 (Showa 16), that Abe published "Oguri Kozukenosuke Shoden (The Authentic Biography of Kozukenosuke Oguri)." Considering the printing and publishing circumstances of the time, Abe must have been in the middle of writing when this New Year's greeting card was written. Therefore, local historians say that the postcard proves that the hearsay slander he was writing at that time was a creative work of his.

Teizaburo Ichikawa's house also preserves a letter sent by Mataichi Oguri (Kikuko's husband) two years earlier, in August 1937 (Showa 12), from Hachijojima Island, where he was living at the time, as well as the letter below, in which Kikuko consults him regarding the evacuation.

1945昭和20年  第二次大戦中、小栗菊子夫人(又一の未亡人)は小学生の息子忠人、娘洋子(ともに忠順の曾孫)を連れて権田の村人を頼って疎開し、東善寺の門前に住んでいた。この疎開にあたって菊子夫人は地元の市川亭三郎(水沼河原の顕彰慰霊碑建碑責任者市川元吉は義父)に何度も手紙を送って、空襲下の汽車の切符入手の困難や家財の荷送りについての苦心を手紙で相談している。

- In 1945 (Showa 20), during World War II, Mrs. Kikuko Oguri (widow of Mataichi Oguri) evacuated from the house in Tokyo with her elementary school son Tadato and daughter Yoko (both great-grandchildren of Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri) to Gonda, where they lived in a house in front of the Tozenji Temple. During the evacuation, Mrs. Kikuko sent many letters to Teizaburo Ichikawa, asking about the difficulty of obtaining train tickets during the air raids and the difficulty of sending household goods. By the way, Motokichi Ichikawa, Teizaburo Ichikawa's father in law, was in charge of erecting the memorial to honor Kozukenosuke Oguri at Mizunuma River Bank.

「蜷川博士からその後丁寧なお礼の書翰に接した。やはり権田の人々の忘恩的徒輩を憎んでをられる旨を記してあった」 P188
    捧敬意権田村民・権田村民に敬意を捧ぐ・蜷川新」とある (東善寺蔵)

- Abe's book describes Arata Ninagawa as follows: "I later received a polite thank-you letter from Dr. Ninagawa. He wrote that he hated the ungrateful people of Gonda." (Page 188)

However, in contrast, Arata Ninagawa was asked by volunteers from Kurata and Ubuchi villages* to write an inscription for the memorial erected by Mizunuma River Bank in honor of Kozukenosuke Oguri, and he visited the village before and after the war to thank the people of Gonda for the hard work of escorting Mrs. Michiko to Aizu and for their activities to honor Oguri, leaving the words "I offer my respect to the people of Gonda." I would like to confirm this as well.

(Note*: Gonda Village merged with Sannokura Village to form Kurata Village in 1889, which later merged with Ubuchi Village to form Kurabuchi Village in 1955, which is now a part of Takasaki City since 2006.)

Arata Ninagawa made a hanging scroll with the following text.
"Dedicated to the people of the Gonda Village" (in the collection of Tozenji Temple)




Abe visited Tozenji Temple in Gonda in 1939 (Showa 14).

Regarding the priest of Tozenji Temple, Abe wrote the following:
"When I asked him about Kozukenosuke Oguri, he was very brisk and did not speak ... Then I said in a loud voice, 'Are you deaf?' The old woman beside him replied in an impatient tone, "No, he is not deaf, but he has been lacking conentraiton since May 10, 1937, when a forest fire broke out in a house at the back of the temple and destroyed the main hall and the attic. I suddenly felt bad." (Page 318)




Chido Komagata, the 19th abbot of Tozenji Temple, who was scolded for being deaf by Abe visiting Tozenji Temple, was the master of Shoken Murakami (not by blood) who was the master of myself (Taiken Murakami). In May 1937, two years after Komagata moved to Tozenji from a temple in Tone-gun, Gunma Prefecture in 1935, Tozenji caught fire from a burning fire in the neighborhood
that destroyed the main temple building and its cloister. Two years later, on New Year's Day in 1939 (Showa 14), Komagata was visited by Abe in his small temporary residence in the temporary main hall and cloister.

It is said, "When one main hall is built for a temple, the priest's life span is shortened by 10 years." Since the fire, Komagata had been working on the reconstruction of the main building despite his illness, so when he received a sudden visit and was asked questions about Kozukenosuke Oguri, he was probably "distracted" from his work at heart.  

In September 1943 (Showa 18), four years after Abe's visit, Komagata was able to finish the building of the main hall, but on the evening of the dedication ceremony, he collapsed and died the following day. His disciple Shoken Murakami rushed to the temple upon receiving the news, and after completing the funeral service, he handed over the temple in Tone county where he had been abbot to another monk, took his family, and entered Tozenji Temple to take over the rebuilding project. He struggled with the rebuilding project under the circumstances of shortage of funds during and after the war, as well as difficulties in obtaining manpower, building materials, and even tea leaves for the carpenters.


1937昭和12年5月、権田の市川亭三郎遺跡保存会長はNHK前橋放送局から「小栗上野介公を憶ふ」と題して業績を放送 (放送の数日前に東善寺は類焼失していた)


"Chido Komagata... also said that the village people's thoughts about Kozukenosuke Oguri were incoherent." (Page 319)  

Although it is not clear what "incoherent" means here, it does not give a good image about Gonda villagers. I doubt that Komagata, who was "lacking concentration," would have said this kind of thing. The villagers' activities in honor of Kozukenosuke Oguri began when they escorted Mrs. Michiko Oguri and her family to Aizu. Even after the Meiji period (1868-1912), the villagers continued to hold memorial services in honor of Oguri, and they continued to do so on the anniversary of his death without fail even during the period when Kurata Village was merged into Kurabuchi Village.

Around the time when Komagata assumed the post of chief priest of Tozenji temple in 1935, Gonda villagers continued to do the following activities in honor of Kozukenosuke Oguri:

- In 1932 (Showa 7), Motokichi Ichikawa, the former mayor of the village, organized a committee to erect a cenotaph on the banks of the Mizunuma River and they erected it. (In 1935, the monument was washed away by a flood and was found. Chido Komagata became the priest of Tozenji Temple in the same yaer.)
- In 1937 (Showa 12), when the cenotaph was rebuilt, the 70th anniversary was held and the Kozukenosuke Oguri Ruins Preservation Society (the predecessor of the Kozukenosuke Oguri Memorial Society) was founded.
- In May 1937 (Showa 12), Teizaburo Ichikawa, the chairman of the Kozukenosuke Oguri Ruins Preservation Society, talked about the achievements of Kozukenosuke Oguri in a radio program titled "Remembering Lord Kozukenosuke Oguri." (Tozenji Temple had been destroyed by fire a few days before the broadcast. In 1943 or Showa 18, Komagata collapsed after the framework completion ceremony of the main building and died the next day.)
- In 1945 (Showa 20), a memorial symposium for Kozukenosuke Oguri was held at Tozenji Temple.

After all, they continued the activities even after Tozenji temple was destroyed by fire and during the difficult period of the war. Therefore, there was no situation in which Komagata could say that "the people of Gonda Village were incoherent." Now, I feel that Abe's words are intentionally creating a bad image of Gonda villagers.





Master Abe wrote the following as the words of Chido Komagata:

"Tozenji Temple has been uninhabited for a long time." (Page 319)
In fact, Komagata could not have made such a statement, since Tozenji has been continuously inhabited from generation to generation.

Abe also wrote that, on the bus ride to Gonda, a local soldier told him the following:
"The family temple of Kozukenosuke Oguri is said to be a Zen temple in Omiya and his head is buried there..." (Page 316)
Since there is no way that a single soldier could have known such a thing, all of these statements must be hearsay creations filled with fiction.

According to an old local resident, by creating such an unfounded negative image of Gonda, Master Abe was probably trying to improve the image of Fumon-in relatively by saying, "There is no point in going to Tozenji Temple in Gonda, Gunma Prefecture and you can just come to Fumon-in in Omiya, Saitama."

  Other errors, etc.
 この写真はポウハタン号乗組みのジョンストン大尉の著『チャイナ アンド ジャパン』(1861)に掲載の「小栗忠順の絵」を再び写真撮影したもの。
 『チャイナ アンド ジャパン』の絵の元になった写真は、ブキャナン大統領が三使の写真を欲しいということで、1860年6月2日朝に写真師がウィラードホテルに派遣され、ホテル内の礼拝堂で撮影した遣米使節三使が並んだ写真。

Explanation of the image of "Kozukenosuke Oguri" in the first photo of the book: "Taken by Johnston"  

"Taken by Johnston" is not correct because, at that time, ordinary people did not have cameras, and photography, developing, and printing were done by a professional photographer who could prepare chemicals.    

This photograph is a re-taken photograph of "Tadamasa Oguri's picture" published in "China and Japan" (1861) written by Lieutenant James D.
Johnston, a crew member of the Powhatan.    

The original photo of the picture in "China and Japan" was taken in the chapel of the Willard Hotel on the morning of June 2, 1860, and shows the three envoys to the United States in a row. President Buchanan wanted a picture of the envoys, so a photographer was sent to the hotel to take it.

 同著『チャイナ アンド ジャパン』はこの写真から使節三名を彩色の銅版画にし、一人ずつ分けて掲載している。
Photograph of the three envoys taken at the Willard Hotel               
From left to right: Awajinokami Norimasa Muragaki, Buzennokami Masaoki Shinmi, and Bungonokami (later Kozukenosuke) Tadamasa Oguri

The book, "China and Japan," uses color copperplate engravings of the three envoys from this photograph, and shows them separately one by one.

"Ryotaro Ohto erected the tombs of Kozukenosuke Oguri and his retainers in Tozenji Temple with money of 2.5 ryo..." (Page 163)    




Ryotaro Ohto did not erect the tombs.

According to history, Ryotaro Ohto, a patrolman who arrived after Yasutaro Hara and others killed Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri and his followers, carried many household goods of the Oguri family, which had been brought from Edo to Gonda Village, to Takasaki and sold them through bidding at Shimaya, a wholesale shipping agent, to fund the army (It is unclear where Shimaya, the courier house, was located). Refer to the following Shibata Diary:
"On June 14, 1868 (leap April 24 of Keio 4), Lord Oguri's various household goods were forfeited and sold at bidding at Shimaya in the town." (Shibata Diary)

Ohto gave 25 ryo of the money to Toshichi Sato, the master of Gonda Village, and told him to "make a memorial service with it..." Ohto did not build the memorial tomb. The goods Ohto sold in thebidding were originally the property of the Oguri family, and Ohto simply left some of the money he had taken from them in a robbery and murder because he felt guilty about it. The villagers erected tombstones with this money and used the interest to pay for annual memorial services every year. In 1885 (Meiji 18), the family of Kanjuro Sato, the master of the village at the time who had been entrusted with the funds, went bankrupt, so the funds ran out, and the priests of Tozenji Temple has been conducting the memorial services. Refer to the following "Jomo and Jomojin": 

"Ryotaro Ohto brought 25 ryo of the mourning money for Jyoshu (a nickname for Kozukenosuke Oguri) and personally came to Gonda Village and deposited it at Tozenji Temple on June 5, 1868 (leap April 15, Meiji 1 in Japanese calender... or leap April 28, according to one theory). The 25 ryo was entrusted to Toshichi Sato, the master of Gonda Village, who paid annual interest of three ryo and held a memorial service for Kozukenosuke Oguri on April 6 and 7. After Toshichi's son Kanjuro went bankrupt in the fall of 1878, the chief priests of Tozenji Temple conducted the memorial service for Oguri year after year."
("Jomo and Jomojin," November 1917 issue).

Click here to see the graves of Oguri's retainers.




                            (2013平成25年 文責村上泰賢)

- The value of this book is not diminished by the above-mentioned errors.

- As mentioned at the beginning of the book, the author's passion to honor Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri with conviction in those prewar days when the Satcho government (a form of politics in the new government after the Meiji Restoration, in which cliques were formed mainly by people from Satsuma and Choshu) was still lingering is filled in this book, and together with many related books and historical materials cited in the book, it is a valuable light for later researchers on Kozukenosuke Oguri.

- However, it is also true that local residents of Gonda Village have endured the unjustified slander of this book for the past 70 years since its publication. An old man who read the above remarks in the "Commentary" which I wrote in the reprint of "Oguri Kozukenosuke Shoden (The Authentic Biography of Kozukenosuke Oguri)" said, "This is still lukewarm." I would like to add that the villagers had to endure such frustration.                             

                           (Written by Taiken Murakami in 2013 or Heisei 25)

   参考資料   Reference materials
 普門院境内の 小栗上野介招魂碑
Kozukenosuke Oguri Invocation Monument in Fumon-in Temple precincts
招魂碑の除幕式  昭和9年11月25日
        「曹洞宗報 908号」昭和10年4月12日号より
Unveiling ceremony of the invocation monument
November 25, 1934   
The ceremony was performed by Zen Master Esho Hata
From "Soto Shuho No. 908," April 12, 1935 (Showa 10)



のほか、みやま文庫「小栗上野介」「たつなみ」42号(平成29年) に、この首級盗掘のてんまつが詳しく書かれています。 
Related Pages
Oguri camellia: The famous flower that blooms every spring at the tombs of Oguri and his followers, is a black camellia."Kateba Kangun (If you win, you are the loyalist army)" is the victor's arrogance.

Escorting the exodus to Aizu was the Beginning of Oguri Commendation: Gonda villagers escorted Mrs. Michiko Oguri and her family to Aizu
Errors in the common theories about Kozukenosuke Oguri
: The extension of the Meiji government's treatment of Oguri Uenosuke as a renegade gave rise to various common theories.
Investigation of the route of intrusion by Chushichi Watanabe, who assisted in the theft of Oguri's head (link)...Investigation report by Shigeo Tanaka of the "Association for the Rebuilding of Tatebayashi Castle" and the chief priest of Tozenji Temple

◆ Reference books: "Tatebayashi City Magazine, History" (1969 Showa 44) / "Dajokan Nisshi, Keio 4 (1868)"
Also, Miyama Bunko's "Kozukenosuke Oguri" and "Tatsunami" No. 42 (2009, Heisei 29) have detailed descriptions of the circumstances surrounding the theft of the heads.