小栗上野介随想(東善寺) いい気になる日本人
Essays on Kozukenosuke Oguri (Tozenji Temple) Japanese puffed up with pride

Japanese puffed up with pride



When I tell visitors to the temple that in the first year of Man'en, Kozukenosuke Oguri and other Japanese envoys to the U.S. went to the U.S. aboard the U.S. warship Powhatan, some of them ask, "Wasn't it the Kanrin Maru that they boarded?" The Kanrin Maru was only an escort ship for the Powhatan which the Japanese envoys boarded. Meanwhile, the Kanrin Maru has a catchphrase "the first Japanese ship to cross the Pacific Ocean," but in fact, two hundred years before the U.S.mission, Shousuke Tanaka and Tsunenaga Hasekura made tras-Pacific crossing from Japan to Mexico and back respecrively.

Settsunokami Yoshitake Kimura, the man in charge of the Kanrin Maru, asked 11 American mariners, including Captain John Mercer Brooke, to join them on the Pacific Ocean crossing aboard the Kanrin Maru. The Americans were looking for a return voyage home after their ship broke up while surveying the waters near Yokohama.

Soon after leaving the port of Japan, the Kamrin Maru was caught in a terrible storm, and most Japanese on board were unable to work due to seasickness, so most of the ship's operations were performed by the Americans. One of the few Japanese who could work was John Manjiro.


Sailing ship model of the Powhatan, Collection of Tozenji Temple



Katsu Kaishu and Settsunokami Kimura were "bedridden during the voyage due to seasickness," according to Captain Brooke's diary and U.S. newspapers. After returning to Japan, Katsu and Yukichi Fukuzawa wrote, "We crossed the Pacific Ocean without any help from foreigners," and did not mention Brooke and other Americans who helped them. Some history books even say, "They gave lifts to Americans who wanted to return to the U.S. These were adopted in textbooks after the Meiji period, and the myth of "Kaisyu Katsu's Kanrin Maru, which made the first Japanese crossing of the Pacific Ocean" took root, tickling the mood of national prestige and making people feel good about themselves.

For example, several years ago, an encyclopedia published by a publishing company included a description of President Buchanan as "the president that Kaishu Katsu, an envoy to the U.S., met when he visited the U.S. on the Kanrin Maru...." When I asked them to correct it, as it was not true, I received a thank-you letter. However, when the encyclopedia was published, it stated," (President Buchanan) was the president when the Japanese envoy to the U.S. went to the U.S. on the Kanrin Maru.... The publisher ignored the real envoys who met the president, which showed that the publisher was still unable to escape the myth of Kanrin Maru.


President James Buchanan
The 15th President of the U.S.A.

During the bubble economy, people in Japan were touting Japan as an economic superpower. I often heard that "rising land prices are proof of rising national power," "the Japanese-style economy is a model for the rest of the world," and "there is nothing to learn from foreign economies." Around that time, the outside toilet of the temple was to be reconstructed, and I realized that the Japanese envoys to the U.S. had also used flush toilets in Washington, D.C. in 1860. As I pasted a panel of pictures from the diary of a follower of the Japanese envoys to the U.S. on the wall of the toilet, I worried that Japan might be too proud to be called an "economic superpower" when flush systems had barely begun to spread in the country. Sure enough, the buoyant economy stalled and was named the "bubble economy."


Kozukenosuke Oguri has been the focus of much attention in recent years, probably because of the bursting of the bubble economy. We are now faced with the question of how to fend off foreign pressure and determine Japan's course... In other words, now that the era of relying on the U.S. is over, we are reminded that the situation is much like the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate. The end of the Edo period was much more difficult than the period after the Meiji era and we are paying attention to Kozukenosuke Oguri, who almost single-handedly managed the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate and passed it on to the next generation. The "Kozukenosuke Oguri of buried treasure" was much talked about when the economy was booming, but now we are seeing Kozukenosuke Oguri as an economist and politician, and I feel that the time has finally come to look at history in a more relaxed manner.



Here are some words that Kozukenosuke Oguri left:
"It is not filial piety not to give medicine to a father just because there is no hope of his illness being cured. A true samurai is a man who serves the public even if his country is destroyed, until his own body is destroyed."

December 2000, Heisei 12

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