HP東善寺・小栗上野介      小栗上野介の言葉・「どうにかなろう」は国を滅ぼす  
Tozenji Temple, Kozukenosuke Oguri Revival of Japan in the words of Kozukenosuke Oguri! We'll do something!  


ただなりは「幕府の評議には『可成丈なるべくだけ』の字を厳禁すべし。幕府の失政は実にこの三字に胚胎はいたいするぞ」と云いたる事ありき。この二格言は、余が親しくその人に聞きたる所なりしが、当時年少未だその意を解すること能わざりしに、今にして顧想こそうすれば、実に然り、幕閣が恃たのめる所は「どうにかなろう」と云うにありて、その行う所は「可成丈なるべくだけ」云々するにありき。而して、将軍上洛じょうらくに当りて一大問題たる攘夷について幕府の定見を確立せざりしもまた、これに因したるのみ。         福地源一郎(桜痴)著『幕府衰亡論』第十八章      


        Original text

Kozukenosuke Oguri, a wise official at the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate, once said of the Shogunate, "If there is one phrase that should destroy the country, it is, '(Even if we don't do anything,) It will work out somehow.' This is the phrase with which the Shogunate has fallen."

Higonokami Tadanari Iwase said, "The words 'Do as much as you can (whether you can or cannot)' should be strictly prohibited in the council of the shogunate. The misrule of the shogunate is truly embryonic in these characters."

These two sayings are ones that I have heard intimately, but at the time I was still too young to understand their meaning.

In retrospect, it is quite true that the highest administrative body of the Shogunate relied on the words of 'Do as much as you can (whether you can or cannot)' and acted with 'Do as much as you can (whether you can or cannot)' in mind. That is why the fact that the shogunate had not yet established its position on the issue of expulsion of foreigners, a major issue when the Shogun came to Kyoto, could only be attributed to this.

(“The Decline and Fall of the Shogunate” (Chapter 18) by Gen'ichiro Fukuchi)

* Fukuchi sees the prevalence of a "It will work out somehow" mentality in the shogunate as fundamental, and cites the arrival in Kyoto of the shogun Iemochi Tokugawa without a clear idea of whether to open the country to the outside world or expel foreigners as an example.
* At the time, the Satsuma, Choshu, and other expulsionist factions, who had been advocating expulsion of foreigners and terrorizing and killing the supposedly open-minded people, later joined the Western forces and killed Kozukenosuke Oguri and his followers, accusing them of crimes they did not commit. Kozukenosuke Oguri was the only Shogunte vassal to be killed without putting up a fight.
* The new Meiji government, now in power, has wiped its slate clean of its advocacy of expulsion of foreigners, benefited from the shogunate's policy of opening up the country to the outside world, and has promoted the modernization envisioned by Kozukenosuke Oguri by copying it without even knowing it.

◆ Prime Minister Abe quoted in his policy speech, January 22, 2008 or Heisei 28.
前掛け「 どうにかするぞ!! 」
for reconstructing Japan with the words of Kozukenosuke Oguri
"We'll do something!"
江戸幕府が滅亡したるはこの一言なり   小栗上野介

 どうにかできないのは能力の限界ではなく執念の欠如である  土光敏夫
 <The Words on the Apron>
We'll do something!
One phrase that can destroy a country is,
"(Even if we don't do anything,) it will work out somehow."
Kozukenosuke Oguri said, "The Edo shogunate was destroyed by this one phrase."
We'll do something to reconstruct Japan.

 "The inability to do something is not a limitation of ability but a lack of persistence"
by Toshio Doko *

* Japanese engineer, former President and Chairman of Ishikawajima Heavy Industry and Toshiba


 ◇ Mr. Yoshinari Nakagawa, president of NYS, a livestock and feed company in Hanamaki City, Iwate Prefecture, who is a fan of Kozukenosuke Oguri, quoted the words of Kozukenosuke Oguri and Toshio Doko and created this energizing apron with the aim of calling on each one of us to have the will to recover.

◇ The number of 233111446 is the date and time of the Great East Japan Earthquake, March 11, Heisei 23 (or 2011), 14:46.

The words of Kozukenosuke Oguri, who devoted himself to the modernization of Japan at the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate with a strong sense of party awareness, and Toshio Doko, who worked on administrative reforms after the war, serve as a call to tackle the reconstruction of Japan with a sense of proactive awareness.
Mr. H, a NYS employee, was wearing this apron when he visited the grave of Kozukenosuke Oguri in August 2012. He donated one of the aprons, saying he would like to have it by the side Lord Oguri's tomb.
 どうにかするぞ この○○……!  東善寺の大黒も「がんばりますっ!」▲
  "I'll do something about XXX!"  The Daikoku (monk's wife) of Tozenji Temple also said, "I'll do my best!"

You can put any words you want to "XXX"... such as Japan, world, country, earth, husband, body, weight, work, role, sales, son, daugher, father, government, heat, arm strength, etc. in your own way...
■小栗上野介の言葉 もっとあります

 ■ More words by Kozukenosuke Oguri

・ Yokosuka shipyard, "House for sale with a storehouse"...In response to opposition to the construction of the Yokosuka Ironworks (later to become a shipyard)
・ Words of Kozukenosuke Oguri #3: "The fate of the Shogunate, the fate of Japan" by Kozukenosuke Oguri… In response to the voices of those who said that, even if the Yokosuka ironworks were built, they did not know what would happen to the Shogunate by the time it was completed.
・ Words of Kozukenosuke Oguri #1: "A true samurai"... Kozukenosuke Oguri aimed to be a true samurai.
・ Words of Kozukenosuke Oguri #2: Corporation for People's Welfare... Kozan Takai of Obuse, Nagano prefecture, sympathized with Kozukenosuke Oguri's vision.
・ Words of Kozukenosuke Oguri #4: "High stipend is useless for cowardly samurais"… The basis of administrative reform at the end of the Edo period was the elimination of useless positions and departments.

◆ Blog of Dr. Stock who loves Koiwa (link)