東善寺HP・小栗史跡          観音山の小栗邸址 ―抵抗拠点づくりという濡れ衣―
 Tozenji Temple - Oguri Historic Site Oguri Residence Site on Kannon-yama Mountain - Oguri was falsely accused of building a base of resistance there.


■ Kozukenosuke Oguri Historic Site in Kurabuchi Town
Oguri Residence Site at Kannon-yama Mt.
* The Meiji new government forces made false accusations and framed him up.


 ひたすら咲いた 小栗の姿

            作詞:村上泰賢 作曲:伊東福雄

In the village of Gonda, where dreams are nurtured
Young leaves are sprouting and the spring breeze is rustling
At the foot of the mountain on horseback
Light crimson mountain cherry blossoms

Flowers are falling on the shore of the stream
The sight of Oguri in full bloom
Looking back, at the foot of the mountain
Light red mountain cherry blossoms

Lyrics by Taiken Murakami
Composed by Fukuo Ito

Oguri Residence Site

   「・・・(小栗上野介が)認められず、褒められずに生涯を終えたところにロマンを感じます  星野富弘(画家)
(上毛新聞 2003平成15年1月1日 小栗椿を見たいと書かれた一部を引用)


"I feel romanticism in the fact that (Kozukenosuke Oguri) ended his life without public recognition or praise." by Tomihiro Hoshino, Painter
(Jomo Shimbun, January 1, 2003, quoting a portion of a piece written about the desire to see Oguri Camellia)

The mountain cherry blossoms, which bloom light red as best they can in the mountains without being recognized by anyone, and quietly fall away....
たとえば 「 慶應四年四月七日 曇昼後雨 朝観音山にて乗馬致す
  九日 天気能 朝観音山にて乗馬致す
」  『小栗日記』  

For example, sentences of "April 7th, Keio 4: Cloudy day, rain in the afternoon, riding in the morning at Kannon-yama Mt.," and "April 9th: Weather good, rode a horse at Kannonsan in the morning," remain in the "Oguri Diary."
The Oguri Diary often records how Kozukenosuke Oguri and his son, Mataichi, went to the construction site on Kannon-yama Mt., about 1 km east of Tozenji Temple, to enjoy morning horseback riding at the newly completed horse riding grounds. The remains of the riding grounds still remain in the cedar forest. About 30 meters north of the parking lot on top of Kannon-yama Mt. in the cedar forest are the remains of a 10-ken (about 30 meters) square flat area.
▲観音山から 角落山
From Kannon-yama Mt., you can see Mt. Tsuno-ochi, Mt. Asama, Mt. Asamakakakushi, and the upper reaches of the Karasu River. 
When I went up to Kannon-yama Mt., the place was full of flowers.
▲権田の国道406号沿い、おいしい「マス重」で知られる「満寿池」の駐車場に車を置かせてもらって、右手の山道に入る 右が国道406
▲ On the National Route 406 in Gonda, leave your car in the parking area of "Masuike," a restaurant known for its delicious "Masuju (trout dish)," and take the mountain trail from the route 406.
▲入口に小さな標柱が「観音山 小栗上野介屋敷跡」と案内している
▲ A small signpost at the entrance reads "To the remains of Kozukenosuke Oguri's residence on Mannon-yama Mt.
▲ A little further up the slope, there is a post box and other items at the corner. From here, walkers can ake the mountain trail on the right for a shortcut. Cars can continue up the paved road.
▲ Walk up the small trail on the right, where Kozukenosuke Oguri and his wife, Michiko, climbed up to watch the progress of the construction of their residence. 
▲ After a few more zigzags and a climb through a larch forest mixed with various trees, we were already on top of Kannon-yama Mt. in about 7 minutes.
▲ Beyond the spacious field of rape blossoms, under the weeping cherry trees, are the remains of the residence.  
▲ The view from the rape blossom field to the mountains upstream of the Karasu River is refreshing. I can see why Lord Oguri wanted to live here.
▲ Large weeping cherry trees were blooming at the remains of the residence.
▲説明板が高崎市指定の史跡であることを示している。 この地に家を建て、若者たちを教育して「いずれこの谷から太政大臣を出してみせる」と語った、小栗公の声が聞こえてきそう。                     ▲絵:清水一衛
▲ An explanatory board indicates that it is a designated historical site by Takasaki City. You can almost hear the voice of Lord Oguri, who planned to build a residence here and educate young people, saying "I will eventually produce a Grand Minister of State from this valley."                     ▲ Picture by Ichie Shimizu
▲ The red shoots of maple trees are wonderful.
▲ 小栗公が生活用水としてひいた「観音山用水」が、今もトウゴクミツバツツジの花の下に流れている。
▲ The "Kannon-yama Water" that Lord Oguri ran to supply water for daily use still flows beneath the flowers of the Japanese azalea.
False Accusation against Kozukenosuke Oguri
Kozukenosuke Oguri, who was constructing his own residence, surveyed the upper reaches of the Koitarizawa River and drew water for daily use to Kannon-yama, which had no water. Even now, 150 years later, the Kannon-yama water is flowing slowly.
Beware of "Fubunki (Hearsay Report)"
There was a unfounded rumor that the Kannon-yama water canal was "full of water for the moats of camps and gun batteries...".


・ 「風聞書」は町のウワサ書き程度のもの。真否ミックスとされているが、この文章には小栗上野介父子主従を殺害したことを正当化する意図が感じられる。明らかに現地を見ていない文章であることから考えると、東山道軍の流した虚偽情報をそのまま意図的に「風聞書」の体裁に仕立てたものではないかと思われる。


・ 倉渕村と合併する直前に刊行された『高崎市史 通史編』で、小栗一家があたかも西軍への抵抗拠点を構築するため権田村に移住したように思わせぶりに解説しているのと、この「風聞書」の趣意が奇妙に通じている。


[Example of False Accusation #1]

"A large mountain was dug down and leveled, a causeway was built around it, and a moat was built around it to fill it with water. ...In the west, there was a back gateway, and the foundation for a bridge was built on the moat. ...A large rock pit was dug out of the rocky hill to the northwest of the main citadel, and ... a pine tree was dug out and laid down as a cannon."
[From "Fubunki (Hearsay Report) about Conquest of Kozukenosuke Oguri" (Research on Takasaki City History, No. 17)]

The "Fubunki (Hearsay Report)" is nothing more than a rumor mill of the town. Although it is considered a mix of true and false, this text shows an intent to justify the murder of Kozukenosuke Oguri, his son and his retainers. Considering the fact that the writer clearly did not visit the site, it is likely that the writer intentionally put the false information spread by Tosando Forces in the style of a "Fubunki (Hearsay Report)."

The title of the "Fubunki (Hearsay Report)" contains the word of "conquest," which indicates that it was written with the stipulation that Kozukenosuke Oguri was a renegade who should be conquered, just like "Momotaro's Conquest of Onigashima Island."

Question: Was the "conquest" in the title added from the beginning or was it added by the researchers for classification? If the researchers added it, their intentions can be seen through.

In the "Takasaki City History," published just before Kurabuchi Village was merged with the city, the Oguri family was speculatively described as if they had moved to Gonda Village to build a base of resistance against the Western Army. This makes the intent of this "Fubunki (Hearsay Report)" strangely clear.

If it was for the purpose of building a resistance base to fight the Western Army, would Oguri have his entire family, including his mother, wife, and adopted daughter, move to Gonda? Common sense would tell us that that was not the case. However, if Satcho (Satsuma and Choshu) people look at Kozukenosuke Oguri with the their historical viewpoint that he was a "renegade," it seems that an irrigation canal that can be crossed in a stride would be a moat large enough to "build a bridge" over.


Water flowing under azalea trees
This irrigation channel was dug at an exquisite grade, and even after 150 years, it continues to flow without gouging into a deep moat or clogging. I am impressed by the excellent surveying skills!

観音山用水 ひとまたぎできるこの用水を「陣屋に砲台を築き、堀に水を満々とたたえ…」  と言いがかりをつけた西軍(明治政府軍)・風聞書 

▲ Kannon-yama Water Supply
The Western Army (Meiji Government forces) made the accusation that this water supply canal, which could be crossed in a stride, was "built as a battery in the camp and filled with water in the moat..." (Fubunki)

▲ Remains of the riding grounds





[Example of False Accusation #2]

In his column "Kokin Ochikochi (Old and New, Here and There)" in the May 10, 2009 edition of the Yomiuri Shimbun, historian Michifumi Isoda introduces an ancient document, "Fubunki (Hearsay Report)," which he says he recently obtained, as follows:

"I found the following sentence in Kozukenosuke Oguri's account of the events before and after his retreat in Gonda village. 'He petitioned for the removal of the shogun and took silkworms, silk threads, and many other taxes, and instead of giving them to the Shogunate, he gave them all to himself. As a result, there are said to be as much as 70 gold pieces. Then, he made them into nibukin gold coins, packed them in oil barrels and sake barrels, and sent them to his territory (Edo or Gonda)...
At this time, Oguri may have undertaken a major construction project that gave rise to rumors of a castle being built. Was it just a simple irrigation work, as the locals say?..."

Mr. Isoda added, "This historical record is not the truth about Oguri itself. It is a historical document that shows how people at the time viewed Oguri...".

However, since the "Fubunki" portrays Oguri as more of a bad government official than people at the time viewed him, Mr. Isoda's text, like [Example of False Accusation #1] on the left, seems to have been written in response to propaganda justifying the act of killing by the West.

If a historian had come to the site and confirmed that the small water canal could be crossed in a stride, instead of saying, "Oguri may have undertaken a major construction project," he would not have to write, "Was it just a simple irrigation work as the locals say?", which would have made it sound like "the locals are talking about the big moat in a small way out of their self-interest."

I created this page with the thought that perhaps Mr. Isoda thought that the water no longer existed. History is still alive in this area.

<Note> The Kannon-yama irrigation canal and the Kotaka Irrigation Waterway, which also involved Kozukenosuke Oguri, are different.
There was
another interpretation of the above "Was it just a water project as told locally?" 



Tea saplings brought from Edo

Kozukenosuke Oguri submitted to the Shogunate an "Application for Settlement in Gonda Village" and wrote the following in it:

"Fortunately, my land is in the Kanto region, and I would be happy to return any amount of money to you if I am ever called upon to do so."

" I have served as an accounting magistrate, so I intend to make a living by settling in Gonda Village..."

- If a Hatamoto (direct retainer of a shogun) were to return his land to the governor, what would his means of livelihood be after that? At the time, Japan's main exports were tea and raw silk. It is thought that Oguri intended to make a living from these two products.

- This was one of the reasons why he chose Gonda, a village in the sericultural province of Joshu (present Gunma Prefecture). Sericulture was thriving in Joshu, so there was no need to transport mulberry trees from Edo. Only tea seedlings were brought from Edo. Even today, tea trees can still be seen in various places on Knnon-yama Mt.
「…単なる用水工事だったのだろうか」は  →

◆磯田氏のこの話が本になりました 平成30年8月 磯田道史『日本史の内幕』中公新書・840円のトップ!に入っています。 


◆ご注意 東善寺ではのちに実害が出るので埋蔵金がらみの取材はテレビ・雑誌などいっさいお断りしています。

[Example of False Accusation #3]

I reviewed Mr. Isoda's column and found that the title of "Kokin Ochikochi (Old and New, Here and There)" is "Buried Treasure Stuck in Oil and Sake Barrels"!

The question, "Was it just a water project?" becomes a speculative (unspoken) conclusion, "Perhaps it was a project to bury treasure?"

It would be shameful if an eminent historian were to use the Kannon-yama Waterworks to pander to a cheap story of buried treasure (i.e., a story of hiding embezzlement of public funds).

◆ This story by Mr. Isoda was published in a book, "The Inside Story of Japanese History," by Michihumi Isoda, August, 2008, Chuko Shinsho, 840 yen

◆Over the past day, the Kurabuchi Branch Office of Takasaki City Hall received a suspicious phone call from someone saying, "We want to survey Kannon-yama Mt. with electromagnetic waves..." The Branch Office refused the call. It is believed to be a target for buried treasure stimulated by the above book. (July 2028)

Note: Tozenji Temple refuses all TV and magazine interviews related to the buried treasure because it will cause actual damage later on.
 ▲お茶の木 江戸から運んだお茶の木が所々に残っている。 

Tea trees brought from Edo (now Tokyo) remain in many places on the mountain. Other plants from the Edo mansion arrived at the Kurgano riverbank after Oguri and others were killed, and some of them were "Oguri camellia" and "peony" presently located in the Tozenji Temple precincts.

* If Oguri intended to make a base of resistance against the West (the new Meiji government) forces, there would be no need to transport the plants from Edo.



Related Pages
Kozukenosuke Oguri surveyed the Kotaka Irrigation Waterway
The last 64 days in Gonda Village: Oguri's diary shows the days of hope and the tyranny of the Western Army that destroyed them
Errors in the common theories about Kozukenosuke Oguri
Oguri camellia: The famous flower that blooms every spring at the tombs of Oguri and his followers, is a black camellia. 
The "Oguri guilty theory" is a false theory to create the impression that he deserved to be killed.