住職のコラム(東善寺)    会津脱出行護衛が小栗上野介顕彰のはじまり
  Column by the Chief Priest of Tozenji Temple Escorting the Exodus to Aizu was the Beginning of Kozukenosuke Oguri Commendation

Escorting the exodus to Aizu was the Beginning of Oguri Commendation
 1899年五月、小栗上野介没後一三〇周年式典が行われ小寺知事は、 かつてワシントンのウィラードホテルに泊ったとき、一三八年 前に上野介ら遣米使節一行が滞在した絵が掲示されていて感銘を受けた、と挨拶。
 次に立った沢田市長は「あのころ小寺さんは紅顔の美青年で……」 とお返しがあって、いっそう和やかな式典となった。

1899 May, a ceremony was held to commemorate the 130th anniversary of the death of Kozukenosuke Oguri. Gunma Prefectoral Governor Mr. Hiroyuki Kodera said in his speech that when he stayed at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C., he was impressed by the picture of the Japanese delegation to the U.S., including Kozukenosuke Oguri, that stayed there 138 years ago.

Then he said, "Yokosuka City Mayor Mr. Hideo Sawada, who is here today, was my senior when I joined the Ministry of Home Affairs. One day, I went to Ueno Station to see him off at his new post and I thought how beautiful his wife was," which excited the audience and caused Mrs. Sawada look down in embarrassment.  

Mayor Sawada, standing up next, replied, "In those days, Mr. Kodera was a beautiful young man with rosey cheeks...," making the ceremony even more relaxing.

 1868慶応四年閏四月六日、 上野介は倉渕村で殺される。その三日前に上野介は状況の不穏を感じて、 村役人中島三左衛門らに身重の道子夫人や母堂それに養子又一のいいなづけら 女性三人の脱出と保護を依頼する。三左衛門ら村人は約三十名の護衛隊を作ると、 人目を避けて急ぐ会津への旅がはじまった。
 坂上村(吾妻町)から長野原、六合村へ至り旅支度をさらに整えて、 野反池から今でも車が通らない佐武流山の中腹を巻くけわしい山道に分け入り、 苦心の末秋山郷から十日町、新潟へと至る。旅費が不足しては、 と十日町から工面のために村へ戻った二人の村人は金が思うように集まらず、 わずかな金を持って再び後を追い、沼田、尾瀬経由で会津へ向かい合流する。
 護衛隊は新潟からさらに山河を越えて千辛万苦の末会津にいたると、 家老横山主税の屋敷に迎えられる。まもなく始まった 会津戊辰戦争で村人は 何人も会津軍に加わって戦い、二人の若者が戦死する。

On leap April 6, 1868, Kozukenosuke Oguri was killed in Gonda Village (today's Kurabuchi Village). Three days earlier, Kozukenosuke, sensing the unsettled situation, asked village official Sanzaemon Nakajima and others to evacuate and protect three women, his pregnant wife Michiko, his mother, and his adopted son Mataichi's fiancee. Sanzaemon and other villagers formed a convoy of about 30 people and began a hasty journey to Aizu, away from public view.  

They went from Sakaue Village (today's Agatsuma Town) to Naganohara and Kunimura Village to further prepare for their journey, and then from Nozoriike Pond to a steep mountain road that winds around the middle of Saburyu Mountain, where cars cannot pass even today. After much effort, they traveled from Akiyamago to Tokamachi and Niigata. Meanwhile, two members in the convoy, who worried about lack of travel expenses, returned to Gonda village from Tokamachi to raise money, but they could not raise as much as they had hoped. Nevertheless, they gathered a little money and followed the convoy again to Aizu via Numata and Oze, joining them on the way.

The convoy crossed more mountains and rivers from Niigata to Aizu, where they were welcomed at the residence of Chikara Yokoyama, a feudal lord. In the Aizu Boshin War that started soon after, many members of the convoy joined the Aizu army and fought, and two young men died in the war.



Grave of Tadataka Oguri (Hoh-onji Temple, Nishibori Street, Niigata City)
After visiting the grave, Mrs. Michiko Oguri and her party left for Aizu as if being chased.

The photo shows Mr. Shigenobu Okuma (2nd from left) and his wife Ayako (4th from left) who paid their respects on September 14, 1913. Mrs. Ayako was a cousin of Kozukenosuke Oguri and was raised in the Oguri family with her brother Moritomi Saegusa when they were children. Therefore, she owed a debt of gratitude to Tadataka Oguri.

 会津戦争さ中に避難先で生まれた唯一の遺児国子と夫人らを守って年を越し、 明治二年春に東京から静岡まで送り届けて、中島らは村へもどった。乞食同然 の姿であったという。さらに中島らは館林へ出向いて、東山道総督による首実検 のあと埋められていた上野介の首を法輪寺からひそかに盗み出し、東善寺裏山の 胴体と一所にした。
 「小栗上野介はどういう人柄か」という質問をよく受ける。それを憶測で語る より、夫人らを守って会津へ行き、その任を全うした村人の行いを知っていただ くことが、上野介の人柄を理解していただくことにつながると考えている。

Sanzaemon Nakajima and his fellows spent the rest of the year protecting Mrs. Michiko Oguri and Kuniko, Kozukenosuke's only child, who had been born in an evacuation shelter during the Aizu War. In the spring of 1869, they took the Oguri family to Tokyo, then to Shizuoka and returned to Gonda Village. At the time, they were said to have looked like beggars. After that, Nakajima and his group went to Tatebayashi and secretly stole Kozukenosuke Oguri's head from Horinji Temple, where it had been buried after an inspection by the governor of Tosando, and placed it with his torso on the mountain behind Tozenji Temple.

I am often asked a question, "What kind of person was Kozukenosuke Oguri?" Rather than speculating about the character of Oguri, I believe that understanding the actions of the villagers who went to Aizu to protect his wife and others and fulfilled their duties will lead to a better understanding of Oguri's character.

 一三〇周年式典は倉渕村小栗上野介顕彰会が主催して行われたが、村における 顕彰の始まりは、たまたま小栗家の領地だったという縁で会津への夫人脱出を護衛 した村人の無償の行いからと思う。群馬県民としても誇るべきことといえよう。
 お二人の奇しき縁によって、手を携えて顕彰をすすめることを語り合った市長と 知事は、今年九月下旬、倉渕村長を交えて小栗上野介の大河ドラマ化をNHK会長 に要請してきた。ドラマ化の成否は数年待たねばなるまいが、顕彰活動がここまで 進んだことをなにより喜んでいるのは、見捨ててはおけないという義の心から会津 へ辛苦の旅を続けた村人であろう。

The 130th anniversary ceremony was hosted by the Kurabuchi Village Kozukenosuke Oguri Memorial Society. The beginning of honoring Kozukenosuke Oguri can be attributed to the free act of the villagers who escorted Oguri's wife on her escape to Aizu, only because Gonda Village (present-day Kurabuchi Village) happened to be the domain of the Oguri family. This is something that the people of Gunma Prefecture should be proud of.

In late September of this year, the Governor Mr. Kodera and the Mayor Mr. Sawada, together with the Kurabuchi Village mayor, requested NHK to dramatize the Kozukenosuke Oguri story. We will have to wait a few years to see if the dramatization will be successful. However, the Gonda villagers, who made the arduous journey to Aizu out of a sense of righteousness and a desire not to leave the matter unattended, are probably the most pleased with the progress that has been made so far in the honoring activities.

(Written by Taiken Murakami for Jomo Shimbun "Opinion 21", December 28, 1999)

[Related Paged]
Activities in Honor of Kozukenosuke Oguri: Hornoring
activities from Mrs. Michiko Oguri's escape to Aizu to the present
Mrs. Michiko Oguri who fled to Aizu
Mountain trip to Akiyamago along the "Road of History" (photos)
Tracing the hardships of escorting Oguri's wife to Akiyamago (Link)
Reading "Kozukenosuke Oguri and Aizu"
(contributed article