HP東善寺> 小栗上野介    ウィキペディア(百科事典)の「小栗忠順」にご用心
Kozukenosuke Oguri Beware of Wikipedia's "Tadamasa Oguri"

Beware of "Tadamasa Oguri" in Wikipedia

  **このページは「小栗上野介の寺 東善寺」のホームページです**
 As a free encyclopedia, Wikipedia is a wonderful system that allows anyone to contribute and participate in editing, and it is often used when people want to do some research and write a text. However, when it comes to Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri, there are some errors in the description, and some expressions that are unintelligible or lispy, which are quoted and spread all over the place without being corrected.

There are also some websites that have reprinted the Wikipedia text verbatim, and it is hard to find and follow them and ask for corrections. In addition, due to the nature of Wikipedia that "anyone can write on it," it is likely to change rapidly in the future, but it is impossible to keep up with it. So, I'll summarize and point out the problem areas below.

Note: Although some parts of Wikipedia's "(Kozukenosuke) Tadamasa Oguri" have been corrected after this website was updated, the original errors are still being quoted and used in various websites and texts. Therefore, in order to record the original form of this page, I will continue to show the corrected parts of Wikipedia as they are.

** Our site is the Website of "Tozenji Temple, the temple of Kozukenosuke Oguri."**
注:ウィキペディアの本文はこちら「ウィキペディア 小栗忠順」(リンク)
Note: Here is Wikipedia's "Tadamasa Oguri" (link)

           問題箇所             訂正事項
ortrait of Tadamasa Oguri
→ This is an unauthorized use of a drawing by Shoken Murakami, the previous chief priest of our temple.
1、文政10年(1827年) - 慶応4年4月6日(1868年4月28日
、権田村(高崎市倉渕町権田)に帰郷 →・・・に移住
3、東善寺を住まいとし学問塾の師事 →小栗忠順が誰かを先生と仰いで仕えたということになる。「の」「師事」の使い方が不適切なままの、意味不明の文。
戦艦を少数しか所持していない状態では同等の交渉もできず →(当時の日本に戦艦などと呼べる船は一隻もありません)
5、異国の要求を受け入れる 開国では? 異国がどういう要求をしていたか、の方がピントが合った文になる。
6、この頃から造船所を作るという発想を持ったと言われている →(根拠不明)
7,木村は咸臨丸の司令官として遣米副使を命じられ…  →木村摂津守喜毅が遣米使節副使を命じられた公式文書はない。「木村喜毅は副使」「副使の乗る船が咸臨丸」という説が他の本やHPに見られるが誤り。咸臨丸の格上げを図る動きの一つ。
8、文豪福沢諭吉がいた →福沢は文豪?
9、他の同乗者は異人と接した事がなく困惑していたが →正使新見豊前守正興・副使村垣淡路守範正は外国奉行だからこの文は当らない
10,忠順は落ち着いていたため代表に見えたと言われている。 →(根拠不明)  *ペリーが久里浜に上陸した時、警護役の松代藩士佐久間象山が似たような表現をされているから、混同か?
11、交換比率の見直しの交渉に挑み、成功 →ドル金貨と小判金貨の分析実験をした。「成功」は舌足らず。何がどう成功したのかわからない。交換比率見直し交渉はこの時していないのに、あたかも見直し交渉をしたようにとれる。
12、製鉄技術の差に驚愕と感動 総合工場としてあらゆる工業製品を作り、船も造る様子に感動、
13、帰国後、すぐに勘定奉行など →すぐに外国奉行
14、現に他国の交渉材料にもなっていなかった。 →(意味不明)
15、多くの反感をうけたが 反対をうけた   注:反感は感じるもの、かうもの
16、建設予定地は横浜に決定された 横須賀
17、下仁田町中小坂で鉱山採掘施設との建設ラインを引く。これにより建設日数が短縮された。 中小坂鉄山は小栗上野介の指示で調査・採掘手配が済んだところで幕府解散になったから、この時点では「採掘施設」や、「建設ライン」などまったく存在しない。
18、明治政府には小栗は政府の存在自体を否定する人物 →小栗上野介を殺したのちに明治政府が成立しているから、意味不明の表現。
19、実際は慶喜は登城せず創作の可能性が高い →「登城」は大名・旗本のすること。大阪から逃げ帰った慶喜は江戸城内にずっといる。慶喜出席の会議も存在した。
20、小栗自身も倒幕する事は容認する発言 →「倒幕」は幕府を倒す意味(根拠も意味も不明・舌足らず)。
21、政府の役人により小栗忠順は捕縛された。 →このときまだ明治政府はできておらず、西軍が来て逮捕殺害した。
22、大勢の村人と明治政府の役人が口論となる →(地元で初耳の珍説)
23、「お静かに」と言い放つ →(地元で初耳の珍説) 
24、敵軍を小田原を通過させ箱根の山を越えさせ →小田原・箱根の順序が、逆。(西軍は西からやってくる)
25、地方の山村に隠棲していた遺族を捜し出し →錯誤(会津から静岡へ行き、明治2,3年頃からずっと東京に住んでいた)
26、孫は内務省に勤務することにもなった →錯誤(史実になし)
27、「造船所建設など、500年かかっても不可能」という言葉も作られたものという意見 →『勝海舟全集』18。「文久二壬戌年八月二十日に勝海舟自身が書いている
Portrait of Tadamasa Oguri → This is an unauthorized use of a drawing by Shoken Murakami, the previous chief priest of our temple.
1. Bunsei 10 (1827) - April 6, Keio 4 (April 28, 1868) → Leap April 6, Keio 4 (May 27, 1868)
Note: There were two Aprils in Keio 4.
There is a wrong death anniversary of April 28, 1868 cited on many "What day is today" websites. The original source seems to be Wikipedia.
 2. Returned to Gonda Village (Gonda, Kurabuchi-cho, Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture)  → ... moved to → It means that Tadamasa Oguri served someone as his teacher. This is a sentence that doesn't make sense, with inappropriate use of words..
Note: Oguri was born and raised in Kanda-Surugadai, Edo (Tokyo), so it was not "homecoming" for Oguri.
⒊. Oguri lived at Tozenji Temple and studied at the academy.  → It means that Tadamasa Oguri served someone as his teacher. This is a sentence that doesn't make sense, with inappropriate use of words.
 4. With only a few battleships in their possession, they could not have "equivalent negotiation."  → There were no battleships in Japan at that time.
→ Isn't it "negotiation of equality"?
 5. "Accepting the demands of foreign countries"  → It should be "Accepting the demands for opening Japan to the world."
 6.It is said that Oguri had the idea of building a shipyard from this time.  → (Evidence unknown)
 7. Settunokami Kimura was ordered to be the deputy envoy to the U.S. as the commander of the Kanrin Maru...   → There is no official document that says Settsunokami Yoshitake Kimura was ordered to be the deputy envoy to the U.S. This is one of the moves to try to upgrade the Kanrin Maru.
 8. Yukichi Fukuzawa, a great writer, was on board .  → Was Fukuzawa a great writer?
 9. Other Japenese on board had never been in contact with foreigners before and were confused...  → Buzennokami Masaoki Shinmi, the senior envoy, and Awajinokami Norimasa Muragaki, the vice envoy, were foreign magistrates, so this statement is not true.
 10. It is said that Tadamasa Oguri looked like a representative because he was calm.  → (Unsourced information) *When Matthew Calbraith Perry landed in Kurihama, his guardian, Shozan Sakuma of the Matsushiro clan, was described in a similar way, so they might have been mixed up.
 11. Tried and succeeded in negotiating a revised exchange ratio.  → Conducted an experiment to analyze dollar and koban gold coins. The word "succeeded" is inadequate explanation and it doesn't fully explain what made it successful. The exchange ratio was not negotiated at that time, but it explains as if it was.
 12. ... astonished and impressed by the difference in steelmaking technology.  → It should be, "... impressed by the way the integrated factory made all kinds of industrial products and even built ships."
 13. After returning to Japan, Oguri immediately became a magistrate for accounts, etc. → Oguri immediately became a foreign magistrate. 
 14. In fact, they were not even a bargaining chip for other countries.  → (meaning unknown)
 15. Although he received a lot of opposition...  → It should be, "Although he was opposed..."
 16. The planned construction site was decided to be Yokohama.  → Yokosuka
 17. A construction line was drawn with the mining facilities at Nakaosaka, Shimonita Town. This shortened the number of construction days.  → There were no "mining facilities" or "construction lines" at all in the Nakaosaka iron mine at this point. This is because the shogunate was dissolved when the survey and mining arrangements were completed under the direction of Kozukenosuke Oguri.
 18. For the Meiji government, Oguri was a man who denied the very existence of the government.  → A meaningless expression, since the Meiji government was established after Kozukenosuke Oguri was killed.
 19. In reality, Yoshinobu Tokugawa did not go to the castle, and it is highly possible that this is a work of fiction.  → "Tojo (Going to the castle)" is something that daimyos and bannermen did, but not the shogun. Ever since escaping from Osaka, Yoshinobu, the shogun at the time, stayed in Edo Castle. There were also meetings attended by Yoshinobu.
 20. Oguri himself said that he would accept the overthrow of the Tokugawa shogunate.  →"overthrow" means to defeat (evidence unknown, lack of explanation).
 21. Tadamasa Oguri was captured by government officials.  →21. At this time, the Meiji government had not yet been established, and Oguri was arrested and killed by the western army, but not by government officials.
 22. An argument broke out between a large number of villagers and an official of the Meiji government.  → (a strange theory the villagers have never heard)
 23. "Please be quiet," he said to them.  → (a strange theory the villagers have never heard)
 24. Let the enemy army pass through Odawara and cross the Hakone mountains.  → The order of Odawara and Hakone is reversed. (The western army comes from the west.)
 25. Finding the bereaved family who had been hiding in a mountain village in the countryside  → A misunderstanding (Oguri's bereaved family went from Aizu, Fukushima Prefecture, and then to Shizuoka, and had been living in Tokyo since around the 2nd or 3rd year of Meiji.)
  26. The grandson also ended up working for the Ministry of Home Affairs.  → An error (not in history)
 27. "Building a shipyard is impossible even if it takes 500 years." is also an opinion made up.  → Kaishu Katsu himself wrote that in "the Complete Works of Kaishu Katsu" No. 18 on August 20, 1862 or Bunkyu 2.