HP東善寺>小栗上野介   小栗の郵便(書信館)制度  提案                    

Proposal to establish a post-office mail system

▲ Hisoka Maejima (photographed during the shogunate period)


 In the third year of Meiji, Shigenobu Okuma
, a key figure in the Meiji government, believed that the transmission of information, such as newspapers and letters, was important for the construction of a modern unified nation, and appointed Hisoka Maejima to study the matter. Maejima traveled to England to learn about the postal system, and in 1871, he established a postal system called the "New Style Postal Service," which unified the postal service into a government business and helped establish Japan's modern postal system, including postage stamps, mailboxes, and a nationwide uniform rate system.






      Hisoka Maejima and Kozukenosuke Oguri
If the post office that Kozukenosuke Oguri
 included in his proposal to establish Japan's first joint-stock company, Hyogo Shosha, had been established as it was, it would have been called a "書信局 shoshinkyoku" (letter telegram office) instead of "郵便局 yubinkyoku" (post office). I wonder if there is any connection between Oguri's concept and Maejima's "modern postal system."

For example, Yukichi Fukuzawa, who was named as one of the persons to be in charge of a proposal to publish a newspaper, told Oguri who believed that accurate and prompt communication of information and letters was important for the modernization of Japan, 
"In Western countries, the authority of the courier belongs to the government, not to the private sector, and the government makes a printing called a 'hikyaku-in (stamp)' seal and sells it at a fixed price. The sizes are 7-bu to 8-bu (21~24 mm), and the color varies according to the price." ("Things Western" by Yukichi Fukuzawa, Keio 2).
        飛脚 から 郵便夫
 From Courier to Postman  


 「あらかじめ、店で鈐印けんいん(切手)を買っておく。それは三十六枚に区切られ、それぞれ人物像が描かれている。人に書簡を送る時は、宛名住所を書いてこの鈐印紙(切手)を一片貼り、託せば必ず相手に間違いなく届く。届ける賃金などはみな鈐印紙(切手)の値段の中に含まれているから、きわめて簡便な方法である。」   (栗本鋤雲『暁窓追録補』明治二年) *鈐印・・・割り印のこと、「鈐印紙」で切手の意味となる



           (即是観生『維新前夜雑記』名古屋郵便時報 昭和三十年四月)


 「明治三年六月十七日英国に出張を命ぜられ、じっさいに郵便事業を見る便利を得て、大いに知識を得た。」 (前島密『郵便創業談』



 Joun Kurimoto, an ally of Oguri, also reported on his observations of the postal system in France where he was sent at the end of the Edo period as follows: "Buy stamps at a store in advance. It is divided into thirty-six sheets, each of which has an image of a person on it. When you send a letter to someone, write down the name and address, put a piece of this paper (stamp) on it and entrust it to a postman, and it will surely reach the person addressed. It is a very easy way, since the cost of delivering the letter is included in the price of the stamp." ("Gyosou-Tsuiroku-Ho" by Joun Kurimoto, dated 1872).

Both Eiichi Shibusawa and Hisoka Maejima were well acquainted with each other, having moved to Shizuoka after the Tokugawa family became the new Suruga domain after the Meiji Restoration, and both were struggling to stabilize their lives as former shogunal retainers moving from Edo. Mejima's "Ishin Zenya Zakki" (Miscellaneous Notes on the Eve of the Restoration), which pointed out this fact, goes on to introduce their struggles by referring to his "Story of founding the Postal Service," as follows:

"I thought it would be helpful to ask someone who had gone abroad about this (postal) knowledge, so I asked people who had returned to Japan, but no one had noticed this, and only Eiichi Shibusawa told me that he had a sheet of French postage stamps that he would put on envelopes."
("Ishin Zenya Zakki" by 
Sokuzekan, Nagoya Postal Times, April 1955)

The origin of Maejima's plan was based on Oguri's proposal and the reports of Fukuzawa, Kurimoto, Shibusawa and other former shogunate officials.

"On June 17, 1876 or Meiji 3, I was ordered to go to England on a business trip, where I had opportunies of seeing the postal service in action and gained a great deal of knowledge.
("Story of founding the Postal Service" by Hisoka Maejima)

As a result of this, the establishment of the modern postal system can be said to have been achieved.

Incidentally, in 1872, Maejima, on his own initiative and with the help of Fumio Yano (Ryukei), Tsuyoshi Inukai, Yukio Ozaki and others, published the "Yubin Hochi Shinbun," which is said to be one of the most representative newspapers of the Meiji era and, at that time, Joun Kurimoto was invited to be the chief editor of the newspaper, and he did a good job.
                前島密が媒酌 小栗クニ・貞雄結婚

                    ▲小栗クニ と小栗貞雄  Kuni Oguri and Sadao Oguri 

  In 1887 or Meiji 20, at the request of Okuma Shigenobu and his wife, Hisoka Maejima took on the task of mediating between Kozukenosuke Oguri's orphaned daughter Kuni and Sadao Yano (Ryukei Yano's younger brother), and in this way, it is easy to imagine that Maejima was willing to do so in the hope that the Oguri family would survive.
