小栗まつり(東善寺HP)  ●  小栗まつり2002
  Oguri Festival(Tozenji Web site) Oguri Festival 2002

2002年 平成14年5月26日(日)

Oguri Festival (Photo Collection)
Sunday, May 26, 2002 (Heisei 14)

Oguri Festival begins with visits to the tomb.
People offered incense to the graves of Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri, his son, his vassals, and Gonda villagers, and listened to the priest's story about them.



講演 新・松下村塾々長 濤川栄太氏の話に引き込まれる
■ Lecture by Mr. Eita Namikawa, the head of the Shin Shoka-Sonjuku
People were drawn to Mr. Namikawa's lecture.

研究発表 『小栗忠順従者の記録』を読む 住職村上泰賢が昨年発行した著書を解説発表
Research Presentation: Reading "Records of a Follower of Tadamasa Oguri, Japanese Envoy to the United States"
Taiken Murakami, the chief priest of Tozenji Temple, presented a commentary on his book, published last year.


準備 前日にテント張りテーブル並べ、イス出し、墓と参道掃除、看板つけ、・・・ボランティアが活躍
Volunteers in action
Volunteers set up tables, set out chairs, cleaned graves and paths, put up signs....
水彩画展 藤岡市の清水市衛さんが描いて寄進の「小栗公の生涯」を展示 素人とは思えぬタッチに驚く
Watercolor Exhibition
We exhibited watercolor, "The Life of Lord Oguri," painted and donated by Ichie Shimizu of Fujioka City, Gunma Prefecture. We were amazed by Mr. Shimizu's touch, which was hard to believe that he was an amateur.



蕎麦道場龍ヶ崎塾 今年も家族で来てくれました石嶋さん
Soba Dojo Ryugasaki Juku
Mr. Ishijima came with his family again this year.

小布施のリンゴ 高井鴻山と小栗上野介の縁で信州小布施のリンゴが出店  「三田巨峰園」をよろしく
Apples from Obuse
Apples of Mita Kyohoen
from Obuse, Nagano Prefecture, were sold at at a stall thanks to the relationship between Kozan Takai and Kozukenosuke Oguri.


ナイアガラ号 パネル展示『幕末変革の時代を駆け抜けた小栗上野介』 遣米使節が乗船して帰国した船の絵は今回初めて公開
The USS Niagara in the Panel Exhibition of "Kozukenosuke Oguri in the Era of Change at the End of the Edo Period"
The painting of the USS Niagara, the ship on which the Japanese envoys embarked for the U.S., was shown to the public for the first time.
 この本がいいです 戸田ブックス榛名店長がオススメ
"I would reccomend this book to you."
The store manager of Toda Books Haruna recommends books about Kozukenosuke Oguri to people.