群馬ジャズフェスティバル(東善寺HP) ●● 群馬ジャズフェスティバルと小栗上野介 Gunma Jazz Festival (Tozenji HP) ●● Gunma Jazz Festival and Kozukenosuke Oguri |
群馬ジャズフェスティバル と 小栗上野介 Gunma Jazz Festival and Kozukenosuke (Tadamasa) Oguri |
小栗上野介-横須賀製鉄所-ジャズ-はまゆう山荘ーの縁で毎年開催されている 背後の山は浅間隠山 This event is held every year in connection with Kozukenosuke Oguri - Yokosuka Steelworks - Jazz - Hamayu Sanso Villa The mountain in the background is Asamakakushiyama. |
『JAZZ WORLD』〈449号〉 「あんなこと こんなこと」より 2016.8.9月 …抜粋紹介 原田 充・はらだみつる・ジャズイスト/中野『ハラーズ』創業 夏が近づくと例年どおり、というより年々歳々、各地でジャズフェスティバルが開催され増加している。ジャズ関連の雑誌も夏特集でジャズ・フェスを紹介する。そこで、今年は「群馬ジャズフェスティバル」を紹介してほしいと思っている。詳細な問い合わせは開催場所の「はまゆう山荘」(高崎市倉渕町川浦)にて。今年は9月に開催が予定されているという。 実はこれには偶々の出会いがあった。 それは1冊の文庫本、星亮一著『小栗上野介~物語と史跡を訪ねて』(成美堂出版)。幕臣で高官だった人物の評伝が少なかったのは事実だが、小栗上野介忠順がこれまでも書かれないわけではなかった。斬に処せられたただ一人の幕臣高官という小栗の特殊性が注目されてこれまでも概略は書かれた。司馬遼太郎も『明治という国家』の冒頭一章の末尾でちょっと触れ、第2章でやや詳しく小栗忠順を書いている。司馬はその前にも『街道をゆく42 三浦半島記』で「小栗の話」というのを書いた。しかし小栗を主人公とした長編は書かなかった。 幕臣ものよりも薩長もの、つまり勝ち組のことは書かれても、負け組のことは書かれないのが歴史の通例だから。 そんなわけで小栗の本も多くはなかった。しかし星亮一の成美堂版『小栗上野介」は副題に「物語と史跡をたずねて」となっていたことから格別に目に止まった。つまりまさに「史跡」を訪ねたかったからこの本を手に取った。星のこの本の「あとがき」だけでぐぐっときた。「小栗忠順の無念や知るべし」だった。 関越道を車を馳せて高崎へ、権田村へと走った。が、近いと思ったのがいけなかった。高崎からバスで1時間半と知って、高崎駅の交番で尋ねると「権田かあ、遠いぞ」「榛名山のほうだからなあ」。若いお巡りさんは地図を開いて「今は倉渕というところだ」。渋川街道を走った。しかし時間がない。夕闇が迫ってきた。途中であきらめた。 自宅で悶々としていて、やっぱりあきらめられず、翌々日再出発。時間も余裕をみた。倉渕町権田村東善寺を目指した。東善寺には小栗の墓があり遺品が陳列され和尚が著作し小栗の顕彰に努めている。涙ぐましいばかりの寺なのだ。今度は地図もみた。高崎から国道406号を、小栗が惨殺された烏川に沿ってまっしぐら倉渕へ。 (449号) |
From "JAZZ WORLD" №449 Excerpts from "Such and Such," August and September 2016 Written by Mitsuru Harada, Jazz Musician / Founder of "Harah's As summer approaches, as usual, or rather year by year, jazz festivals are being held in various places and are increasing in number. Jazz-related magazines also introduce jazz festivals in their summer specials. This year, I hope they will introduce the Gunma Jazz Festival. For more information, please contact the "Hamayu Sanso" (Kawaura, Kurabuchi-machi, Takasaki City) where the festival will be held. The festival is scheduled to be held in September this year. In fact, I had a chance encounter with this. It was a paperback book, "Kozukenosuke Oguri: A Visit to Stories and Historic Sites" by Ryoichi Hoshi (Seibido Shuppan). It is true that there have been few biographies of this high-ranking shogunate official, but this does not mean that Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri has not been written about. The peculiarity of Oguri as the only high-ranking official of the shogunate who was beheaded has attracted attention, and he has been written about in outline. Ryotaro Shiba also wrote about Tadamasa Oguri at the end of the first chapter of his book "A Nation Called Maiji" and in some detail in the second chapter. Before that, Shiba had written "Oguri's Story" in "Kaido-wo-yuku 42 Miura Peninsula Chronicles." However, he did not write a full-length story with Oguri as the main character. That is because it is customary in history to write more about Satcho than about Shogunate retainers, that is to say, about the winners but not about the losers. For this reason, there were not many Oguri books. However, Ryoichi Hoshi's Seibido edition of "Kozukenosuke Oguri" caught my attention exceptionally because it was subtitled, "Visiting Stories and Historical Sites." In other words, I picked up this book because I wanted to visit "historical sites." The "Afterword" to the book by Hoshi alone made me giddy. It said, "You should know the regret of Tadamasa Oguri." My wife and I drove along the Kan-etsu Expressway to Takasaki and then to Gonda Village. But we shouldn't have thought it was so close. When we learned that it was an hour and a half by bus from Takasaki, we asked at the police box at Takasaki Station. "Gonda?" The young policeman opened a map and said, "It's called Kurabuchi now. You can drive along the Shibukawa Kaido." But time was running out and darkness was approaching. We gave up halfway. I was in agony at home, but I couldn't give up, so we set out again two days later. We gave ourself plenty of time. We headed for Tozenji Temple in Gonda Village, Kurabuchi Town. Tozenji Temple has Oguri's grave, his belongings are displayed, and a monk writes books to honor him. It was a temple that was full of tears. This time we looked at the map. From Takasaki, we took Route 406 to Kurabuchi along the Karasugawa River, where Oguri was brutally murdered. |
『JAZZ WORLD』〈450号〉 「あんなこと こんなこと」より 小雨が降っていた。田舎の夜は早い。東善寺に着く。急な坂道を滑らないように注意しながら本堂へ。受付を覗くと和尚さんがパソコンにむかっている。和尚は東善寺住職、村上泰賢。著述家でもあり、『小栗忠順のすべて』(新人物往来社)、『小栗上野介ー忘れられた悲劇の幕臣ー」(平凡社新書)の作家である。 実はこの2冊、この時に買った。泰賢さんは2冊に墨書して「英明大器 原田様」などと署名してくれ、懇談。大いに気が合った。もはや友人。二歳年長のお元気さだ。 夕暮れが迫っていたので、墓の下前から小栗主従の墓に向けて合掌。彫刻家朝倉文夫の作になる胸像の柔和なお顔が小栗忠順の真影をよく捉えている。幼馴染で幕臣の栗本鋤雲の胸像と並んでいる。 横須賀からここに移設され、現在ここ東善寺に守られている像は参拝する者の心をいやす。住職村上泰賢さんの心づくしでもある。星亮一も書いている。「輝くばかりの気品にあふれる」小栗像なのだ。 小栗上野介顕彰会が出している機関誌「たつなみ」は平成27年に第40号を出した。たつなみは小栗家の家紋である。41号を編集中という。全国の小栗ファンに広告掲載を募集している。泰賢さんはここでも一生懸命だ。 忠順が斬首された烏川の水沼河原に建てられた顕彰慰霊碑の碑文「偉人小栗上野介 罪なくして此所に斬らる」は小栗の無念を平成の今にも伝え訴えかける。問答無用で無抵抗の小栗(42歳)を斬首した長州の捕縛吏、原保太郎(当時22歳)と18歳の副官を恨むではないが時代変遷の無情を懺悔せざるをえない。だからこそ、今現在が大切。時代の後悔は取り返しがつかない。 何の取り調べもなく斬首では顕彰慰霊碑の建つ水沼河原はもはや悲しみの記憶にしかならない。 現首相の安倍晋三は山口県選出。。長州が犯した拙速を再び起こしてはならない。遣米使節でアメリカに渡った小栗は通貨の談判で日本人で初めてノーと言った日本人だった。その後交換比率は小栗が示した方向で改定された。アメリカにノーと言って小栗は逆にアメリカから大きく評価されたという。正しきを主張する。安倍総理、あなたはもはや長州人ではなく日本人。地球の裏側まで行って正義など論外。倉渕東善寺へ行きゃれ! |
From "JAZZ WORLD" №450 It was raining lightly. Night falls early in the countryside. We arrived at Tozenji Temple. We walked up the steep slope to the main hall, taking care not to slip. When I peeked into the reception area, I saw a monk working on his computer. The monk is Mr. Taiken Murakami, the chief priest of Tozenji. He is also the author of "Oguri Tadamasa-no Subete" (All About Tadamasa Oguri) (Shinjin Oraisha) and "Oguri Kozukenosuke: The Forgotten Tragic Vassal of the Shogun" (Heibonsha Shinsho). I actually bought these two books at that time. Mr. Taiken wrote in ink on both books and signed them "英明大器 原田様 Eimei-Taiki (A man of superior intelligence and great character) Mr. Harada" and we had a friendly chat. We got along very well. We were now friends. He is two years older than I am. As dusk was approaching, I joined my hands in prayer from the lower front of the grave to the graves of Oguri and his vassals. The soft face of the bust, made by sculptor Fumio Asakura, captured the true image of Tadamasa Oguri well. He is flanked by a bust of his childhood friend and shogunate official, Joun Kurimoto. The statue, which was moved here from Yokosuka and is now protected at Tozenji Temple, is a comfort to those who visit the temple. It is also the thoughtful work of the chief priest, Mr. Taiken Murakami. Ryoichi Hoshi also wrote: "The statue of Oguri is full of radiant grace." The journal "Tatunami," published by the Society Honoring Kozukenosuke Oguri, published its 40th issue in 2015. Tatsunami is the family crest of the Oguri family. They are currently editing the 41st issue and are inviting Oguri fans all over Japan to place advertisements in the magazine. Mr. Taiken is also hard at work here. The inscription on the cenotaph erected on the Mizunuma Riverbank in the Karasugawa River, where Oguri was beheaded, "The great Kozukenosuke Oguri, cut down here without sin," conveys Oguri's regret even now in the Heisei era. I don't want to begrudge the Choshu bailiff, Yasutaro Hara, then 22, and his 18-year-old second-in-command, but I have to repent for the heartlessness of the changing times. That is why the present moment is so important. The regret of the times is irreversible. He was beheaded without any interrogation, and the Mizunuma riverbank where the cenotaph for his commemoration stands is now only a memory of sorrow. The current Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, was elected in Yamaguchi Prefecture. We must not let the poor decision made by Choshu happen again. Oguri, who went to the U.S. on a mission, was the first Japanese to say no to currency negotiations. Later, the exchange ratio was revised in the direction that Oguri had suggested. It is said that by saying no to the U.S., Oguri was greatly appreciated by the U.S. on the contrary. Insist on the right. Prime Minister Abe, you are no longer a Choshu man but a Japanese. Going to the other side of the world for justice is out of the question. Go to Kurabuchi Tozenji Temple! No. 449. |
焼き鳥の煙がステージに流れ、司会者が「いい匂いで……」という のんびりしたムードのジャズフェス Smoke from grilled chicken flowed onto the stage, and the MC said, "It smells good ...... Jazz festival with a laid-back mood |
『JAZZ WORLD』(第451号) 「あんなこと こんなこと」より その村上師から「ジャズフェスティバル」のポスター数枚とチラシが送られてきた。「19th群馬ジャズフェスティバル2016」の案内である。東善寺近くの「はまゆう山荘パティオ」が会場だ。この記事が掲載される直前にはおそらく観客となって群馬ジャズフェスを楽しんでいるだろう。高崎経済大学や群馬大学医学部などのジャズ研が出演したり、スペシャルゲストには、纐纈歩美(こうけつ あゆみ)カルテットが招かれ演奏するというジャズ祭。これは凄いゾと思った。 纐纈といえば今最も注目されているアルト奏者だ。デビューから5、6年でアルバム6枚、ジャズ・スポットでの演奏は”膨大”という表現がなされるほどの演奏回数をこなしている。それだけに演奏は一流。折り紙つき。 5枚目の「バラーディスト」ではバラード集成の作品に挑んで堂々吹き切った。 纐纈歩美こうけつあゆみ Ayumi KOHKETU それになんといっても美形。男3人のトリオを従えてのワンホーン・カルテットの雄姿は、自信たっぷり。モダンジャズ典型のコンボ、チャーリー・パーカー・カルテットの本流を行く。しかもそれを標榜せず、並み居るパーカー直系のアルティストの名を挙げず、アンチ・パーカーともいえるクール派リー・コニッツを敬愛するという一見謙虚な構えをとりながら、パーカーやコニッツを超えるレパートリーの広さを暗示するなど幅広く技巧派である。2016年5月には最新作「ART」を発売したという急角度右肩上がりの成長ぶりを示す。 昨今、管楽器奏者に多くの才媛が目立つが、その中にあっても纐纈歩美は群を抜いて光り輝く。その纐纈が群馬ジャズフェスティバルのど真ん中にドカン、「纐纈歩美4」として掲載されている。従えるトリオのメンバーは、佐藤浩一(p)、安田幸司(b)、山田玲(ds)の俊英だ。行かずばなるまい。 日程としては9月4日の前日に高崎入りして「はまゆう山荘」に泊まる。そこの天然温泉、倉渕川浦温泉に浸かってまずはゆっくり1泊。翌朝には、いや早目の昼食に幕末期小栗上野介が作ったと言われる横須賀製鉄所、横須賀造船所の海軍基地横須賀にちなんだ「海軍カレー」がメニューにあるからぜひ、この横須賀名物を食したい。そして昼からは纐纈歩美4のジャズ生(ナマ)を浴びたい。そんな心づもりで、ワクワクなのだ。 纐纈の新作「RT」はなぜか、まだアマゾン・キンドルには配信入荷しておらず購入できない。纐纈のアルバムのほとんどをキンドルで配信購入してきた。だから待つつもりで新作は当然まだ聞いていない。しかし新作曲はこのフェスでもきっとメインテーマになるハズで楽しみなのだ。気がせいていろいろ忙しい。まあライブ直前なんていつもそういうものだ。 東善寺を再訪して小栗上野介主従の墓前に参りたいし、彼らが斬に処せられた河原に建立されている顕彰慰霊碑にも詣でたい。和尚村上泰賢さんとももう一度お会いしたい。お話もしたい。本になっていた『小栗日記』も今度は東善寺でぜひ買いたい、などなどで思いは忙しい。 それにしても群馬は凄いゾ。19回目になるというジャズフェスティバルもエライじゃないか。纐纈歩美を招聘するなんて何て良い耳を持っている人たちなのだろう。ジャズジャーナリズムが群馬ジャズフェスを報道せず、知らないなんて何たることか。自らの弱体恥じるべき。 だからここではいっそう、群馬ジャズフェスを全国に大きく宣伝しようではないか! 会場となる「はまゆう山荘」は機関誌「たつなみ」を発行している小栗上野介顕彰会と連動するように高崎市倉渕のふるさと公社の宿泊施設であり、高崎市倉渕支所は、かつての権田村が高崎市倉渕町となって三ノ倉に置かれた支所が連携しているから、役所の関連施設といってもいい。町ぐるみ村ぐるみの支援は文字通り町をあげ村をあげての保存会であって、町村市民の静かなる熱情が脈々とあふれている。こんなグループ支援は清々しい。 「小栗様と横須賀市の縁で創設された」とはまゆう山荘の広告コピーはうたっている。素晴らしい心意気。群馬ジャズフェス万歳! |
From "JAZZ WORLD" №451 Mr. Murakami sent me some posters and flyers for a jazz festival. It was an invitation to the "19th Gunma Jazz Festival 2016." The venue is the "Hamayu Sanso Patio" near Tozenji Temple. Just before this article is published, I will probably be enjoying the Gunma Jazz Festival as an audience member. This jazz festival features performances by the jazz institutes of Takasaki Keizai University and Gunma University School of Medicine, and the Ayumi Kouketsu Quartet is invited to perform as special guests. I thought this was great. Koketsu is an alto sax player who is attracting a lot of attention right now. In the five or six years since her debut, she has released six albums and has performed at jazz spots so many times that the word "huge" is used to describe her. That's why her performance is top-notch and guaranteed. On her fifth album, "Balladist," she took on the challenge of playing a collection of ballads and blew through them with authority. And what's more, she is beautiful. Her one-horn quartet, accompanied by a trio of three men, was full of confidence. It was the Charlie Parker Quartet, a combo typical of modern jazz. The quartet does not claim to be a modern jazz quartet, nor does it cite the names of other artists directly descended from Parker, and while it adopts a seemingly humble posture of respecting the cool Lee Konitz, who could be called the anti-Parker, it is a broadly skilled group that suggests a repertoire that exceeds that of Parker and Konitz. In May 2016, they released their latest album "ART," which shows their rapid and steady growth. Recently, many talented young women have become prominent among wind instrumentalists, but among them, Ayumi Koketsu shines outstandingly. The Koketsu was featured as "Ayumi Koketsu 4" in the middle of the Gunma Jazz Festival. The members of the trio are Koichi Sato (piano), Koji Yasuda (bass) and Rei Yamada (drums). I had to go to see them. The itinerary was to arrive in Takasaki the day before September 4 and stay at the "Hamayu Sanso." We will stay at "Hamayu Sanso" and soak in their natural hot spring, Kurabuchi Kawaura Onsen, for one night. The next morning, we would like to have Yokosuka's famous "naval curry" for an early lunch. It is a menu named after the Yokosuka Ironworks and Yokosuka Shipyard naval base in Yokosuka, which is said to have been built by Kozukenosuke Oguri at the end of the Edo period. And we want to bathe in the live jazz of Ayumi Koketsu 4 from noon. I'm excited with such intentions. For some reason, Koketsu's new work "RT" is not yet available for purchase on Amazon Kindle. I've purchased most of the Koketsu's albums via Kindle. So I'm going to wait and of course I haven't heard the new one yet. However, I am looking forward to the new composition, which will surely be the main theme of this festival. I'm so busy with my mind. Well, it's always like that just before a concert. I want to revisit Tozenji Temple to visit the gravesite of Kozukenosuke Oguri and the cenotaph erected on the riverbank where they were executed. I would also like to meet with the monk, Mr. Taiken Murakami, again. I want to talk with him. I also want to buy the book "Oguri Diary" at Tozenji Temple. By the way, Gunma is a great place, and the Jazz Festival, which is now in its 19th year, is quite impressive. What good ears they must have to invite Ayumi Koketsu. What a shame that jazz journalism does not report or know about the Gunma Jazz Festival. We should be ashamed of our weakness. So I'd like to promote the Gunma Jazz Fest to the whole country! The venue, "Hamayu Sanso," is a lodging facility of the Kurabuchi Hometown Corporation of Kurabuchi, Takasaki City, in conjunction with the Society Honoring Kozukenosuke Oguri, which publishes the journal "Tatsunami." The Takasaki City Kurabuchi Branch Office, located in Sannokura in the town, is where the village office of Kurabuchi Village in Gunma County used to be before the village merged into Takasaki City. The support of the entire town is literally a preservation society for the entire town, and the quiet enthusiasm of the citizens of the town is overflowing. This kind of group support is refreshing. The advertising copy of the Hamayu Sanso says, "Founded by the relationship between Mr. Oguri and Yokosuka City." Great spirit. Long live the Gunma Jazz Festival! (No. 451) |